May 29th, 2017
Welcome back to the SILENCE! Got Talent semi final. Here’s a reminder of the acts you’re voting for tonight:
To vote for Lenny Menus and his mind reading dinners phone 0345791
Or for Jurgen Klart and his turd flinging chimps ring 0345792
To see the big, ugly one who’s alright at singing go through to the final call 0345793
If you want abattoir worker Cherry Bristols and her speed slaughtering act perform for The Queen text 0345794
<ITEM>It’s Maid Of Nails joining Gary Lactus for a period of recorded talking.
<ITEM> Maid Of Nails tells Gary all about MCM (Man Crush Monday, we think)
<ITEM> Mom Of Nails is discussed in relation to Nails’ Punisher podcast, Frank Discussions
<ITEM> It’s Reviewniverse time where Underwinter, Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, Good Hair, All New Guardians Of The Galaxy, Star Lord Annual, The Archies, The Wicked And The Divine and Secret Empire are looked at.
<ITEM> That’ll do. Let’s go.
This edition of SILENCE! is proudly sponsored by the greatest comics shop on the planet, DAVE’S COMICS of Brighton. It’s also sponsored the greatest comics shop on the planet GOSH! Comics of London.
May 26th, 2017

At the end of the day, when the lonely trumpet sounds its mournful note, and you’re finally called to account for yourself; when you’re making the case that yes, damnnit, yes I did deserve to be here; that all the mindless consumption and waste, the hours spent idling, all the petty thoughts, insecurities and jealousies, all of it could be justified because didn’t we just create the greatest, the finest, the absolute zenith of podcasts? Didn’t we do that? And doesn’t that make it okay? All the tears, the loneliness and the broken dreams…it makes it okay doesn’t it?
Well doesn’t it?
HA HA HA!! It’s time for SILENCE!
<ITEM> It’s the ultimate classic team of Gary Lactus & The Beast Must Die – it’s like putting on a pair of tatty old piss-stained jeans isn’t it. SO COMFORTABLE
<ITEM> There’s some SponSORship (check my weird enunciation) featuring special guest star Charles ‘CHUCK FORCE’ Forsman. Also some admin, including a review of the recent Comic Pop-up in Brighton. There’s probably some other hot nonsense in there too.
<ITEM> Have you seen the SILENCE! Facebook group? It’s where all the pretty young things are hanging out, just waiting to be noticed. It;s right here
<ITEM> That gum you like is stuck to your backside. It’s a quick chat about the Twin Peaks: The Return, although for your detailed anal cysts, head to Diane.
<ITEM> Finally! Comics! Inserting themselves deftly into the pillowy comforts of the Reviewniverse, the pugnacious pairsome talk about Corey Lews’ Sun Bakery, Your Black Friend, All New Ultimates, Shaolin Cowboy, $ Kids Walk Into a Bank, Curse Words, Squirrel Girl, and proabably some other jibber-jabber too.
<ITEM? Some last minute Backmin, with a heads up about this:
This edition of SILENCE! is proudly sponsored by the greatest comics shop on the planet, DAVE’S COMICS of Brighton. It’s also sponsored the greatest comics shop on the planet GOSH! Comics of London.
Diane: The Return
May 24th, 2017
Welcome back to Diane.
Join Rosie, Adam and Mark for the first of our reaction shows, where we offer our initial thoughts on Twin Peaks: The Return – Episodes one and two/Parts 1 & 2.
In this episode we try to embitter our excitement with a dash of critical distance, name the worms crawling through the resurrected body of the show, and ask just what it all means for the show’s life-after-life. In doing so, this is Diane, we will of course explore the liminal contours and magickal connections infesting our all-new-all-old favourite show.
Laura kept her promise. It’s been 25 years in the waiting room, but now it feels like the White Lodge is everywhere.
Twin Peaks is back. !hajulellaH
Theme from Diane is by the wonderful Mass Roman of Strangers from Birth. Cheers Mass, you make us what we are.
For the duration of Twin Peaks: The Return, recap episodes of Diane will appear on Tuesday or Wednesday on Libsyn.
Diane is making extra content which you can find on Patreon.
If you like what Diane does and want to say thanks, please head over to iTunes and give her a whopping Five Star Review!
You can chat to Diane here on the old Mindless Ones Dot Com or @dianepodcast.
You can come tumbl with her on tumblr. Please do so. You look nice, she says.
Next week: What’s in the box? Not that box.
May 18th, 2017
Well, this was a lot of fun. On May 11th 2017, Gary Lactus, The Beast Must Die and Lord Nuneaton Savage sat atop the Bishop’s Finger with a the finest fellows a bunch of pod bods could ever hope for.
Small Press was the theme of the evening but first we started off with Tam Laniado leading a tribute to the recently rest-in-peaced Leo Baxendale.
Proceedings proceeded with some rambling chat which covered such small press obscurities as Bum Child by Tim Leopard, OHM by an odd chap that John Bishop met at a convention many years ago, Fast Fiction, Meow by Cyriak and L.I.F.E. Brigade by the delusional genius C. A. Stormon. There was also talk of Viz and the indestructible Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
After a pleasant refill we decided it would be sensible to talk to the creators present. This meant John Riordan going on about Hitsville UK, Douglas Noble waffling on about Strip For Me and Gareth Hopkins guffing about Intercorstal. Luckily there’s some top top chat about daytime TV wine experts to liven things up.
After a lovely singalong we turned off the recording devices and indulged in social activities which shall go unrecorded and spoken of in hushed tones as the years passed thus turning all present for this wonderful evening into legends.
John Riordan
Nick Bryan
Steve Lacey
Anton and Amy
Gareth Hopkins
Douglas Noble
Two Headed Thingies
May 17th, 2017
DID YOU KNOW there’s a word in German for the weight gained whilst overeating because of emotional distress? Amazing!
DID YOU KNOW there’s a German word for the witty come backs you think of later? Yeah, it’s true!
DID YOU KNOW the Germans have a word to describe the a longing for far off places? Our German cousins, eh?
DID YOU KNOW that in Germany they have a word for the conversations English speakers have about how Germans have words that describe really specific things?
DID YOU KNOW sharks can smell London from space?
<ITEM> It’s SILENCE! #225 with Gary Lactus, The Beast Must Die and special robot guest Spare 5.
<ITEM> We pay tribute to artist Edmund Bagwell.
<ITEM> Lots of film and TV chat including Alien Colon Covenant, the Blair Witch remake, The Void, Iron Fist, and there’s some Highlander and Judge Dredd fantasy elevator pitches.
<ITEM> we are hanging out on the new SILENCE! Facebook group
<ITEM> We enter the Reviewniverse where we find Bug The Adventures of Forager, Doom Patrol, Rocket, World War Tank Girl, Shade The Changing Girl, and John Smith’s Tyranny Rex text piece from the 2000AD Annual 1991
This edition of SILENCE! is proudly sponsored by the greatest comics shop on the planet, DAVE’S COMICS of Brighton. It’s also sponsored the greatest comics shop on the planet GOSH! Comics of London.
Edmund Bagwell
SILENCE! on Facebook
Bug The Adventures of Forager, Doom Patrol, Rocket, World War Tank Girl, Shade The Changing Girl, John Smith’s Tyranny Rex piece from 2000AD annual 1991
May 8th, 2017
When you dine at the devil’s table you better make sure you bring your own cutlery. Also bring your own napkin. Some sort of hand santitizer wouldn’t go amiss either. Basically, everyone knows the Devil’s a bit of a prick so take precautions. This should all really go without saying. The real question is why are you dining at the Devil’s table in the first place? Obviously you’re better off not dining at the Devil’s table. Tell you what, if you’re dining at the Devil’s table you deserve everything coming to you (unless you’re buttering him up for a reduced membership fee at the Devil’s Gym with its Olympic sized swimming pool that isn’t full of school kids and old people taking up too much lane space with an impossibly slow breast stroke. It’s a great gym.)
Gary Lactus and Bobsy are creeping up the creaky wooden stairs in the old haunted house that is your ear mind, hoping not to knock anything over and disturb the SILENCE! #224.
<ITEM> Sip a glass of cold Champagne wine, The rug that we lie on feels divine.
<ITEM> SILENCE! LIVE! is happening again. Thursday May 11th from 7pm ish at the Bishop’s Finger 9-10 W Smithfield, London EC1A 9JR. We have a vague theme of Big Press/Small Press.
<ITEM> Comic Pop Up should be fun too! It’s on Saturday May 13th in Brighton
<ITEM>Swiftly the diphallactic duo swiftly swoop into the Reviewniverse where they guff on about Secret Empire, Hero Killers, Batman: Botchmen, Guardians Of That Galaxy, Bullwhip, Aliens: Dead Orbit, Predator Hunters, Hawkeye, Black Bolt, Champions and Shaolin Cowboy
And don’t forget (we’ll stop going on about it soon)…
This edition of SILENCE! is proudly sponsored by the greatest comics shop on the planet, DAVE’S COMICS of Brighton. It’s also sponsored the greatest comics shop on the planet GOSH! Comics of London.
May 5th, 2017
Look, don’t stare at me like that. I don’t have a blurb for you ok? I mean it, stop making those sad eyes at me! I ran out of blurbs ages ago and I’m sure as sugar not going to just rustle up something right here and now! I’m not some johnny-come-blurbly! If I choose to do another blurb it’ll be on my terms. I will not be strong-armed or emotionally blackmailed. My blurb, my rules!
The ol’ classic team, back in the game, two for two, in a blaze of dust and feathers. Gary Lactus & The Beast Must Die, bringing you a SILENCE! the likes of which you’ve never heard. I mean apart from the previous 222 times of course.
<ITEM> Sponsorhips passing in the night, some truly 1st class admin and a whole lot of kerlassic bants.
<ITEM>SILENCE!…Because The Film Has Started features Guardians Of The Galaxy 2 (aka Space Friends 2), Dr Strange and X-Men: Apocalypse (now).
<ITEM>Eventually the pair drag their time-ravaged carcasses into the Reviewniverse, and turn their Care-Bear like love beams towards Coady & The Creepies, Slasher, Stray Bullets: Sunshine & Roses, American Splendor, Mark Kozelek, Amazon Reviews, Comics International, E for Evolution, Convergence: Shazam and mo’ mo’ mo’ including a very special Joe Decie’s Collecting Sticks Amazon Review review.
And don’t forget…
This edition of SILENCE! is proudly sponsored by the greatest comics shop on the planet, DAVE’S COMICS of Brighton. It’s also sponsored the greatest comics shop on the planet GOSH! Comics of London.