Diane: The Return (Twin Peaks episode 11)
July 26th, 2017
Welcome back to Diane.
Join Rosie, Adam and Mark as they discuss part 11 of Mark Frost and David Lynch’s Twin Peaks: The Return.
The sky spins open*, the street spits up its sickness, and a sweet fraternity brings life to the desert.
*So does Bill’s head.
There’s no backup for this.
Theme from Diane is by Mass Roman of Strangers from Birth.
During Twin Peaks: The Return, new episodes of Diane will appear on Libsyn 24 hours after UK broadcast.
Diane is baking extra content, including a video version of this episode, on Patreon. Go chuck a buck buck in the buck buck bucket, bucko!
Or just as welcome, please head over to iTunes and give us one of those fabulous Five Star Reviews. They make us smile like Shelly seeing Red.
You can always get back down to earth with Diane here on Mindless Ones Dot Com or vomit green bile over us in the place where people do that: @dianepodcast.
We even have free cherry pie for everyone on tumblr.
Diane: The Return (Twin Peaks episode 10)
July 18th, 2017
Welcome back to Diane.
Tonight the air is electric with violence and lust as Rosie, Adam and Bob discuss part 10 of Mark Frost and David Lynch’s Twin Peaks: The Return.
We talk about the body heat between Dougie and Janey E, the burn of aesthetics over plot, the hot of pink, and a cold unnerving absence in the night sky.
Theme from Diane is by Mass Roman of Strangers from Birth.
During Twin Peaks: The Return, new episodes of Diane will appear on Libsyn 24 hours after UK broadcast.
Diane is baking extra content, including a video version of this episode, on Patreon. Go chuck a buck buck in the buck buck bucket, bucko!
Or just as welcome, please head over to iTunes and give us one of those fabulous Five Star Reviews. They make us flap like Dougie’s arms in the boudoir.
Enjoy a post-coital cigarette with Diane here on Mindless Ones Dot Com or come and abuse us on the abuse machine: @dianepodcast.
You can even go and see pics of cats dressed as Laura Palmer or whatever over on tumblr.
Diane: The Return (Twin Peaks episode 8)
June 28th, 2017
Welcome back to Diane.
This week we explore the scorched desert of the unreal that is episode 8 of Mark Frost and David Lynchs’s Twin Peaks: The Return. Got a light?
Expect nuclear magic, atomic paranoia, cosmic trauma and the death – and birth – of the devil.
Apparently the silver mustang is the darkness within, so that just shows what we know :-/
Theme from Diane is by Mass Roman from the epochal Strangers from Birth.
For the duration of Twin Peaks: The Return, recap episodes of Diane will appear on Libsyn in a flash just 24 hours after UK broadcast.
You can find more white-hot Diane content, including a video version of this here episode, by supporting us on Patreon.
If this episode blew you away, think about heading on over to iTunes to give Diane a much sought-after awesome Five Star Review! (These really light up our days so thanks!)
You can chat to Diane here for as long as you like, here on Mindless Ones Dot Com – or in 140 charred chunks at @dianepodcast.
You can even go through the gate to that dread dimension of primal chaos known as tumblr.
Diane: The Return (Twin Peaks episode 7)
June 21st, 2017
Welcome back to Diane.
Tonight Rosie, Adam and Mark find themselves lost in Part 7 of Twin Peaks, The Return, in which dog legs carry information, keys open questions, and continuity proves the terror of TV (just as much as comics)!
We discuss the narrative canvas, we bask in the warmth of Warren Frost, and we cock an ear at the resonant renaissance of magic at the Great Northern.
Ladies and gentlemen, don’t move, just listen closely.
Theme from Diane is by your boy Mass Roman of Strangers from Birth.
For the duration of Twin Peaks: The Return, recap episodes of Diane will probably appear on Libsyn about 24 hours~ after UK broadcast.
Diane is making extra stuff, including a video version of this episode, over on Patreon.
If you’re half as into this as we are, please head over to iTunes and give Diane that awesome Five Star Review! (Thanks for all those by the way – it’s ridic how happy they make us!)
You can chat with Diane here on everyone’s favourite website Mindless Ones Dot Com or no-one’s favourite website: @dianepodcast.
You can even lose your mind on our tumblr.
Diane: The Return (Twin Peaks episode 6)
June 15th, 2017
Welcome back to Diane.
Tonight Rosie, Adam and Bob discuss Part 6 of Twin Peaks The Return. We’ve already eaten one-third of this – excuse me – damn fine pie, and our stage is beginning to fill up. Death, the Devil and Dick Horne are our unwanted companions at this crossroads.
Join the crew as we chat about the vagaries of Vegas, a whole new kind of bob, and the insistent buzz of pain and suffering/sorrow*
(*Delete as applicable.)
We always wanted to be a blonde, ladies and gentlemen.
Theme from Diane is by Mass Roman of Strangers from Birth.
For the duration of Twin Peaks: The Return, recap episodes of Diane will appear on Libsyn around 24 hours after initial UK broadcast~.
Diane is making extra content for subscribers on Patreon.
If you dig Diane’s ‘do and want to pay her a gentle compliment, please head over to iTunes and give her a shiny new Five Star Review!
You can talk to Diane here on the website men call Mindless Ones Dot Com or on the website nazis and robots call Twitter: @dianepodcast.
You can even come and have a rumble on the tumblr.
Diane: The Return (Twin Peaks episode 5)
June 7th, 2017
Welcome back to Diane.
This week Rosie, Adam and Mark share their feels on episode five/part 5 of Twin Peaks the Return.
The red-black-white-pink-green heart of Twin Peaks is beat-beat-beating, ladies, boys and gentle-folk. Please ensure you have your totem torches to hand as we travel the ratlines underneath Buenos Aires, trail into the woods to find old friends and new enemies, and leap right over that old Moooo-n.
Come and talk to us about the dish who ran away with the spoon.
Theme from Diane is by our boy Mass Roman of Strangers from Birth.
Throughout Twin Peaks: The Return, recap episodes of Diane will appear on Tuesday or Wednesday on Libsyn. We’re aiming to get new episodes up within 24 hours of UK broadcast, but you know what we’re like by now.
Diane is making extra content for subscribers on Patreon.
If you like Diane’s ensemble and want to offer her a wolf whistle, please head over to iTunes and give her that all-gold Five Star Review!
You can chat to Diane here on the old Mindless Ones Dot Com or @dianepodcast.
You can even come for a summer roll with the old girl on tumblr. Feel free.
Diane: The Return (Twin Peaks episodes 3-4)
June 5th, 2017
Welcome back to Diane.
This week Rosie, Adam and Bob get the buzz for our second reaction show, where we offer our initial thoughts on Twin Peaks: The Return – Episodes three and four/Parts 3 & 4. This is a late posting. Sorry guys it’s all my fault. PART 5 IS TONITE!!
But tonight on Diane the world is full of Dale Coopers and all of them are trying to get home. His odysseys brings brings back some memories as we talk sapphires, steel, shoelessness, Babalon and Brando.
Ladies and gentlemen, we hate to admit it, but we don’t understand this situation at all. Do you understand it?
Theme from Diane is by the wonderful Mass Roman of Strangers from Birth. Cheers Mass, you make us what we are.
For the duration of Twin Peaks: The Return, recap episodes of Diane will appear on Tuesday or Wednesday on Libsyn.
Diane is making extra content which you can find on Patreon.
If you like what Diane does and want to say thanks, please head over to iTunes and give her a whopping Five Star Review!
You can chat to Diane here on the old Mindless Ones Dot Com or @dianepodcast.
You can come tumbl with her on tumblr. Please do so. You look nice, she says.
Diane: The Return
May 24th, 2017
Welcome back to Diane.
Join Rosie, Adam and Mark for the first of our reaction shows, where we offer our initial thoughts on Twin Peaks: The Return – Episodes one and two/Parts 1 & 2.
In this episode we try to embitter our excitement with a dash of critical distance, name the worms crawling through the resurrected body of the show, and ask just what it all means for the show’s life-after-life. In doing so, this is Diane, we will of course explore the liminal contours and magickal connections infesting our all-new-all-old favourite show.
Laura kept her promise. It’s been 25 years in the waiting room, but now it feels like the White Lodge is everywhere.
Twin Peaks is back. !hajulellaH
Theme from Diane is by the wonderful Mass Roman of Strangers from Birth. Cheers Mass, you make us what we are.
For the duration of Twin Peaks: The Return, recap episodes of Diane will appear on Tuesday or Wednesday on Libsyn.
Diane is making extra content which you can find on Patreon.
If you like what Diane does and want to say thanks, please head over to iTunes and give her a whopping Five Star Review!
You can chat to Diane here on the old Mindless Ones Dot Com or @dianepodcast.
You can come tumbl with her on tumblr. Please do so. You look nice, she says.
Next week: What’s in the box? Not that box.
Diane… #30: Twin Peaks Episode 28 – Miss Twin Peaks
March 8th, 2017
Welcome to Diane… #30
Join Rosie, Adam and Bob as they take what is almost their last chance to enjoy episode 29 of Mark Frost and David Lynch’s Twin Peaks, also known as Miss Twin Peaks. We have approached the penultimate episode and soon we will all miss Twin Peaks.
But for now we have happier occasions to dwell on: Mr and Mrs Hurley announce separate engagements. Wyndham Earle discovers a perfect symbiosis of fear and appetite! And Dale Cooper gives his heart away.
The hour grows late. The time has come to gather our beloved Queen and embark upon our dark honeymoon.
O how the darknesses do crowd up, one against the other, in ye hearts! What fear ye more that what ye have wroughten?
This is nearly it – we shuffle and dance our way towards the last ever episode! If you’d like to help us on the final, dire, strait, please visit iTunes, give us the old five stars, and write a review that says simply the honest truth that we are the best podcast in the flipping universe. Cheers!
Become one with Diane on iTunes (US or UK), or on Twitter and Tumblr. New Dianes land like lightning on Wednesdays on Libsyn – and Mindless Ones is their Earth.
Next episode: Get into the Grove
PS: Image this time via Giphy.