I wrote most of this a month ago, but have spent most of the rest of the month extremely ill, and never got round to finishing it and posting. Whoops. All the Easter stuff in here seemed a lot more topical at Actual Easter rather than May 1. Oh well. The next one of these will be published in a week, to get us back on to schedule with them…

And so we get to the point in the crossover where the exciting new characters are introduced for the first time.

Sorry for the slight delay on getting this post out — we’ve been busy on here with the MINDLESS DECADE, and I was also busy getting my most recent book out while coping with chronic illness flare-ups.

Anyway… Crisis on Infinite Earths issue three.

MIndless Decade: Ultimate Classic!

For my own contribution to the MINDLESS DECADE! I thought I’d go back to May 2015, when in one of my occasional bursts of productivity I wrote ten thousand words or so on Multiversity in a little over a day.

Since then, I’ve released that series of essays as an ebook, which you can normally find for sale here for ninety-nine cents (I also have a much longer book on Seven Soldiers and a collection of my Doctor Who essays that I posted here, but those cost more money).

However, for the next week, as part of MINDLESS DECADE, you can download the ebook version for free. Here’s the epub version for non-Kindle ereaders and here’s the Kindle version. These links will be up for the next week, so download, read, and keep these treasured nostalgic memories of the MINDLESS DECADE!

What’s The Story?

The Gotham City Stock Exchange is rocked by a series of bizarre trades, causing wild swings in stock prices

The Crisis Project: Issue 2

February 3rd, 2018

The most interesting thing we learn in issue two of Crisis on Infinite Earths is that the scope of the story is much wider than we might have originally supposed.

What’s The Story?

Batman and Robin are alerted to a series of thefts, involving cat-related items

What’s The Story?

The Archer, a Robin Hood-themed criminal who uses trick arrows to perform his crimes, has been stealing cash from the rich, including from Bruce Wayne, and then giving it away to get the public to support him.

Batman: The Movie

January 8th, 2018

(I stopped posting these a year and a bit ago, due to health stuff. I’m doing better now, so I’m going to post the ones that I only posted to Patreon here, then continue with the rest of the series as I intended to).

What’s The Story?

Batman and Robin are called out to investigate a distress call involving an ocean-going yacht on which is a new invention, only to find when they get there that the boat disappears – and Batman is attacked by an exploding shark!

The Crisis Project: Issue One

January 1st, 2018

I’ve — sort of — fallen out of love with comics.