May 8th, 2017


When you dine at the devil’s table you better make sure you bring your own cutlery. Also bring your own napkin. Some sort of hand santitizer wouldn’t go amiss either. Basically, everyone knows the Devil’s a bit of a prick so take precautions. This should all really go without saying. The real question is why are you dining at the Devil’s table in the first place? Obviously you’re better off not dining at the Devil’s table. Tell you what, if you’re dining at the Devil’s table you deserve everything coming to you (unless you’re buttering him up for a reduced membership fee at the Devil’s Gym with its Olympic sized swimming pool that isn’t full of school kids and old people taking up too much lane space with an impossibly slow breast stroke. It’s a great gym.)

Gary Lactus and Bobsy are creeping up the creaky wooden stairs in the old haunted house that is your ear mind, hoping not to knock anything over and disturb the SILENCE! #224.

<ITEM> Sip a glass of cold Champagne wine, The rug that we lie on feels divine.

<ITEM> SILENCE! LIVE! is happening again. Thursday May 11th from 7pm ish at the Bishop’s Finger 9-10 W Smithfield, London EC1A 9JR.  We have a vague theme of Big Press/Small Press.

<ITEM> Comic Pop Up should be fun too! It’s on Saturday May 13th in Brighton

<ITEM>Swiftly the diphallactic duo swiftly swoop into the Reviewniverse where they guff on about Secret Empire, Hero Killers, Batman: Botchmen, Guardians Of That Galaxy, Bullwhip, Aliens: Dead Orbit, Predator Hunters, Hawkeye, Black Bolt, Champions and Shaolin Cowboy

And don’t forget (we’ll stop going on about it soon)…



You can support us using Patreon if you like.

This edition of SILENCE! is proudly sponsored by the greatest comics shop on the planet, DAVE’S COMICS of Brighton. It’s also sponsored the greatest comics shop on the planet GOSH! Comics of London.


April 11th, 2017

Don’t call it a comeback! We been here for years (and years and years and years and)

ITEM Gary Lactus and Bobsy enjoy a return visit from The Beast Must Die.
ITEM Everyone really enjoys some more of Gary’s brilliant Slash Fiction, there’s some chat about the Thor: Ragnarok trailer, and The Beast tells us about Doomed! The Untold Story of Roger Corman’s The Fantastic Four.
ITEM It’s time to hold hands as these noble heroes sing you into The Reviewniverse and a great big long bit of talking about the final issue of Alan Moore’s Providence and great small shorter bits of talking about X-Men Gold, America, Batman, Black Cloud, Captain America, Akira, Champions, Hawkeye, Shade The Changing Girl and World War Tank Girl.
ITEM SILENCE! LIVE! Thursday 11th May 9-10 W Smithfield, London EC1A 9JR from 7PM
ITEM Dinner.



You can support us using Patreon if you like.

This edition of SILENCE! is proudly sponsored by the greatest comics shop on the planet, DAVE’S COMICS of Brighton. It’s also sponsored the greatest comics shop on the planet GOSH! Comics of London.


March 6th, 2017

With my left hand free and I’m on TV
(Getting the lyrics wrong makes Junior very cross)

What would you do with a squillion dollars?

Imagine a bath full of Kryptonian Shagg Juice. Drifting Gotham’s corners in the ride Batman turned down becaude the mileage was bad. Wearing a power ring jot because you have great willpower, but because you have great ca$h and that’s a lot more cool.

THESE are the questions asked towards the end of this you-might-just-die epicisode of Silence #216

I honestly can’t even. We start I think with a good review from Gary of the new Loganverine movie. He has much feels about the film and it is lovely.

The spoilers in his review actually make the boy bobsy a little upset so be careful out there.

Evench our critiqueonauts enter the Reviewniverse, where they review a lot of comics including Crime Destroyer (a very very good comic), Champions, Hawkeye, America, Royal City, Extremity, Savage Things, CIABatman, Cinema Purgatorio, and possibly some other stuff. I’ve forgotten. No, really I actually think that’s it. It’s a long one. The CIA Batman bit is great and we nearly nearly solve all the world’s problems by distributing Bruce Wayne’s cash. It’s great, we nearly sort it all out but playtime endeth and dinner calls.

Byeee! Love you xxx



You can support us using Patreon if you like.

This edition of SILENCE! is proudly sponsored by the greatest comics shop on the planet, DAVE’S COMICS of Brighton. It’s also sponsored the greatest comics shop on the planet GOSH! Comics of London.


February 6th, 2017

Momma I’m A Mi$$ionaire!

ITEM Ask yourself: what would you do with a handful of free superhero comics every week? Only then may ye judge.

ITEM Yosephine! With the relentless urge to oblivion of a certain popular zombie franchise lurches Silence! 212. All things are hell but the lads are having a cracking time of it, to be honest

ITEM The cosmically contentious Space Gaz and nuclear terror bobsy take a few potshots at some old enemies thereby solving all the world’s problems – you’re welcome – before covering a spot of admin, Dredducation and oh yeah comic reviews! We do…

ITEM Shade the Changing Girl, Operation Batman, The Walking Dead, The Unstoppable Wasp, Hawkeye, Champigwens, Monsters Unleashed, Motro, and possibly some others we forgot to write down.



You can support us using Patreon if you like.

This edition of SILENCE! is proudly sponsored by the greatest comics shop on the planet, DAVE’S COMICS of Brighton. It’s also sponsored the greatest comics shop on the planet GOSH! Comics of London.