February 6th, 2017

Momma I’m A Mi$$ionaire!

ITEM Ask yourself: what would you do with a handful of free superhero comics every week? Only then may ye judge.

ITEM Yosephine! With the relentless urge to oblivion of a certain popular zombie franchise lurches Silence! 212. All things are hell but the lads are having a cracking time of it, to be honest

ITEM The cosmically contentious Space Gaz and nuclear terror bobsy take a few potshots at some old enemies thereby solving all the world’s problems – you’re welcome – before covering a spot of admin, Dredducation and oh yeah comic reviews! We do…

ITEM Shade the Changing Girl, Operation Batman, The Walking Dead, The Unstoppable Wasp, Hawkeye, Champigwens, Monsters Unleashed, Motro, and possibly some others we forgot to write down.



You can support us using Patreon if you like.

This edition of SILENCE! is proudly sponsored by the greatest comics shop on the planet, DAVE’S COMICS of Brighton. It’s also sponsored the greatest comics shop on the planet GOSH! Comics of London.


November 16th, 2016




Look over here! Over here! Don’t look that way, look here! Over here! Look I’m waving my arms around! WOO-HOO! OVER HEEEEEEERE, OVER HE…
Damn. You looked. You saw it. Well don’t say I didn’t try and warn you.Well lookee here it’s a bright shiiiny new SILENCE! crawling from the wreckage. And those rubbery old puppets Gary Lactus & The Beast Must Die are joined by Clarky T-Bubz, thw surprising new character find of 2016! All here to give you a hot comics injection right up the wazzoo.<ITEM> Things get off to a cracking start with a post-Thought Bubble 2016 de-brief, from the inside out. Panels, parties and somnabulistic botty-rumbles? All here true believers.

<ITEM> Some comics chat in the downhome comforts of The Reviewniverse, with exclusive talk of Motor Crush, discussion of Violent Love, Comic Book Babylon, From Under Mountains, Habitat, 8 House, Stathis’ Picnoleptic Intertia, Ulises Farinas’ Motro and Hitsville UK. And all with a smile on their lips and a flick of the heels.

<ITEM> Bit of the ol’ SILENCE! (Because My Mouth Is Full of Delicious Food), some Lady Lactus and the Galacticats, and more more more.

<ITEM> And you go out BANG! Like a candle.





You can support us using Patreon if you like.

This edition of SILENCE! is proudly sponsored by the greatest comics shop on the planet, DAVE’S COMICS of Brighton. It’s also sponsored the greatest comics shop on the planet GOSH! Comics of London.