Diane: The Return

May 24th, 2017

Welcome back to Diane.

Join Rosie, Adam and Mark for the first of our reaction shows, where we offer our initial thoughts on Twin Peaks: The Return – Episodes one and two/Parts 1 & 2.

In this episode we try to embitter our excitement with a dash of critical distance, name the worms crawling through the resurrected body of the show, and ask just what it all means for the show’s life-after-life. In doing so, this is Diane, we will of course explore the liminal contours and magickal connections infesting our all-new-all-old favourite show.

Laura kept her promise. It’s been 25 years in the waiting room, but now it feels like the White Lodge is everywhere.

Twin Peaks is back. !hajulellaH

Theme from Diane is by the wonderful Mass Roman of Strangers from Birth. Cheers Mass, you make us what we are.

For the duration of Twin Peaks: The Return, recap episodes of Diane will appear on Tuesday or Wednesday on Libsyn.

Diane is making extra content which you can find on Patreon.

If you like what Diane does and want to say thanks, please head over to iTunes and give her a whopping Five Star Review!

You can chat to Diane here on the old Mindless Ones Dot Com or @dianepodcast.

You can come tumbl with her on tumblr. Please do so. You look nice, she says.

Next week: What’s in the box? Not that box.