This Paranoid Fear is Classic: #Comics280 Reviews!
November 18th, 2017
Daniel Furnace is the Devil’s Boy – Paul Jon Milne
The shaggiest of shaggy dog stories, which turns out to be the perfect excuse for a stroll through Milne’s aesthetic.
Craggy glam, baying crowds, dissatisfied parents – it all resonates on the same weird frequency.
Ida Henrich – Minor Side Effects
A paper paradox, this.
The cartooning is best when depicting the space taken up by demands, questions, queasy downturns and flailing spaghetti arms. Somehow, this makes room for Henrich to lay out her thoughts on contraception.
June 28th, 2016
As our (pretend) close personal confidant Luke Haines will tell you, “it’s not for God’s love/ it’s not for cocaine,” which are the only two extremes on the religion-80s drugs scale.
Of course it’s not, you dirty heathens! It’s for COMICS.
All-inclusive SILENCE!, the comics podcast that makes you listen to ladies etc sometimes. Gary Lactus is joined by emergency guest Maid of Nails all the way from the Razor House in darkest Caledonia, who like any other Strong Female Character can talk massive amounts of shit just like Them Goize.
<ITEM>Comedy, maternal pop culture reviews, we’ve got it all. Find out whose mother really wants to hear more about the Ents, and exactly how to catch Gary Lactus’ comedy show in London.
<ITEM>The Reviewniverse spawns chat of Judge Dredd, 2000AD, Wolverine Goes To Japan On His Gap Year, Nighthawk, Bitch Planet, Civil War II, The Ultimates, Wicked And Divine, Wonder Woman, Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, Auaman, Punisher, All Star Section 8 and some talk of the Preacher TV show thing.
<ITEM>Watch out for the Nipple Collector
Click to download SILENCE!#194
This edition of SILENCE! is proudly sponsored by the greatest comics shop on the planet, DAVE’S COMICS of Brighton. It’s also sponsored the greatest comics shop on the planet GOSH! Comics of London.
May 18th, 2016

Behold!The podcast of TWO WORLDS! Yes tasty little mortals it’s an episode of SILENCE! where our two star-crossed (comics) lovers are separated by the triple threats of time, space and curry! On one world we have Gary Lactus, trapped in a hell of his own making – on another world The Beast Must Die is trapped in a heaven of his own partaking! That’s right, it’s two solo-casts sellotaped together to make one shambling hybrid giant podcast. So let’s double down for a two-way switcheroo and get ready for the Crisis on Two Podcasts!
<ITEM> Gary tackles some sadmin with news of Darwyn Cooke’s passing. But there’s some gladmin with tales of Alan Moore in the flesh. Then he mournfully slides into the Reviewniverse for All New Different Avengers, The Ultimates, The Vision and Batman.
<ITEM> The world flip reverses and we’re into…
<ITEM> The Beast takes over, and there’s more sadmin for Darwyn Cooke. Then it’s a jaunty polevault into The Reviewniverse to take a squirt at Grant Morrison’s Heavy Metal, Criminal 10th Anniversary special, DKIII, the end of Huck, The Vision, and Beasts of Burden.
<ITEM>and what, pray tell, is The Earth Pig Chronicles? Find out here.
So prepare to have your mind sliced up like a cheesecake and served up to your eyes…It’s SILENCE!
Click to download SILENCE!#188
You can support us using Patreonif you like.
This edition of SILENCE! is proudly sponsored by the greatest comics shop on the planet, DAVE’S COMICS of Brighton. It’s also sponsored the greatest comics shop on the planet GOSH! Comics of London.
May 3rd, 2016

click to download SILENCE!#186
@bobsymindlessYou can support us using Patreonif you like.
This edition of SILENCE! is proudly sponsored by the greatest comics shop on the planet, DAVE’S COMICS of Brighton. It’s also sponsored the greatest comics shop on the planet GOSH! Comics of London.
December 26th, 2015
Enjoyable seasonal time to you, dear listener. I hope you’ve had a pleasant nice period of late because this podcast will not add to your pleasure. This is a roaming, windy bit of reportage from a solo Gary Lactus as he goes Christmas shopping and has a bit of an adventure in Rome. Beautiful old Rome, full of really old stuff built in ancient times but most thrillingly, a Metro station named after 80s euro pop mega queen, Spagna!.
So not much comics talk although Gary does find the time to talk about The Twilight Children, Snow Blind, Batman, Grayson, The Ultimates, Newe Roimancer, Amazing Spider-Man, Trees and Head Lopper.
Here it is.
click to download SILENCE!#169
Contact us:
You can support us using Patreon if you like.
This edition of SILENCE! is proudly sponsored by the greatest comics shop on the planet, DAVE’S COMICS of Brighton. It’s also sponsored the greatest comics shop on the planet GOSH! Comics of London.
November 17th, 2015

<ITEM> Broken, battered, bamboozled and burnt out, the boys are back from Thought Bubble 2015 with exciting tales of comic book debauchery and the happy glow of comics lighting their way. But let’s not forget some classic Sponsorship and a big shout out to Comic Printing UK who printed the BCA nominated Cindy & Biscuit: The Bad Girl and your comics too IF YOU SHOULD CHOOSE! Speaking of which, why don’t you go get a copy if you haven’t already done so!
<ITEM> Whoniverse? Youniverse? NO FOOL IT’S The Reviewniverse!! It’s a Thought Bubble tinted special with Kicky Poo by Sajan Rai, Hitsville UK, Craig Conlan’s Ghost Cat, The Goddamned, Klaus, Airboy, Comic Book Villains, The Ultimates, William Meesner Loebs’ Dr Fate, Secret Wars, All New Avengers and a bunch more shizznizz.
<ITEM> Sweet Christmas that’s your lot! Short and sweet like a child singing carols!
click to download SILENCE!#165

Contact us:
You can support us using Patreon if you like.
This edition of SILENCE! is proudly sponsored by the greatest comics shop on the planet, DAVE’S COMICS of Brighton. It’s also sponsored the greatest comics shop on the planet GOSH! Comics of London.
Flashback to… The Ultimates!
October 22nd, 2015
What I like best in art – and I like loads of stuff, I like jokes that I can’t help but laugh at, I like being able to just fucking marvel at someone doing something that seems impossible, I like that moment when something that didn’t seem like it could possibly come together does, and so on – is being put into difficulty. Not in terms of being faced with something that’s hard to watch/read/look at/listen to necessarily, more in that I like it when I’m made to confront something that I can’t easily resolve or ignore or explain away.
The Millar/Hitch Ultimates doesn’t look like the most promising territory for this sort of experience, and for the most part that’s true. It’s probably the last Mark Millar comic I was able to enjoy without vomiting up qualifiers, and it definitely represents the last point where Bryan Hitch’s artwork looked good to my eyes, but if I like it at all then I like it in a fairly breezy way. I laugh at the crude bits, I follow the fight scenes, I enjoy the brash, bratty character beats, and all of this is good.
The point of difficulty, for me, the point where I find myself getting really tangled up in the book, involves a cameo by the man who was President of the United States of America at the time the story was published: