July 5th, 2016



Imagine a blurb. A blurb like you’ve never seen. A golden, beautiful blurb that shines like the sun. A blurb that glistens like dew on morning grass. A blurb that sings like the strike of a tuning fork against an angel’s backside. Imagine a blurb like that. That blurb is here. Can you taste it?

<ITEM> It’s the return of The Beast Must Die, joining Gary Lactus for another ker-lassic episode of SILENCE! But wait! What’s this? It’s also a Bobsy episode! A Bobs-isode!

<ITEM>There’s some admin and a whole load of My Two Dads chat. Of course. And some self-promotion for the our sister and brother podcasts Diane and The Earth-Pig Diaries. And news of our various appearances at Small Press Day 2016

<ITEM>Three men in a Reviewniverse? It’s a king-size edition with more digressions than you can shake a fully painted graphic novel at. Transformers Vs GI Joe, 4 Kids Walk into a Bank, The Sweetness, Detective Comics, Providence, Beverley Hills Cop II, Bill Sienkiewicz, Midnight of the Soul, All New Avengers, Captain America, Captain Brexit, Sean Phillips, John Smith, Sexy Male Comics Creator Top Trumps, The Sound of Drowning and a whole lot more.

And we are done. Move along people.

Click to download SILENCE!#195




You can support us using Patreon if you like.

This edition of SILENCE! is proudly sponsored by the greatest comics shop on the planet, DAVE’S COMICS of Brighton. It’s also sponsored the greatest comics shop on the planet GOSH! Comics of London.


May 3rd, 2016





Hurry hurry can’t stop! Busy busy London! No time for blurb – places to be, people to see
<ITEM> It’s a classic reunion old skool spectacular as those seasoned old pros Gary Lactus & The Beast Must Die get it together for a no-guesticode of SILENCE! The comics magazine lifestyle show!
<ITEM> Sponsorshadmin (is what the kids are calling it)! Choo got it! There’s some Dunce Tank talk, a prompt for you all to get on the case with the brilliant Sound of Drowning Kickstarter, oh and The Beast Must Die Talks About Cerebus Again…

<ITEM> Why it’s only SILENCE…Because The Film Has Started and it’s a Captain America 3: Civil War special. Git some!
<ITEM> Come on! Come on, come quickly, quickly the Reviewniverse is open for business…and they’re talking about Snyder & Capullo’s Batman, there’s a long chat about the best pastry comic artists, 4 Kids Walk Into A Bank, The Ultimates, Hellcat! and a bunch more. But mainly a lot about pastry.
And that, in all honesty is your lot. If you wan’t more make your own podcast!

click to download SILENCE!#186

@bobsymindlessYou can support us using Patreonif you like.

This edition of SILENCE! is proudly sponsored by the greatest comics shop on the planet, DAVE’S COMICS of Brighton. It’s also sponsored the greatest comics shop on the planet GOSH! Comics of London.