SILENCE! podcast #3

February 21st, 2012

In this third awe-inducing installment, the Beast risks life and limb to broadcast live from a Mega City 1 Iso-cube, while a tired and slightly hungover Lactus lounges on his inter-galactic sofa high above the statosphere!

In a dodgy English accents spectacular, discussion ranges from Azzarello’s Xena, warri…sorry Wonder Woman, Batman (Owls!), Daredevil, Byrne’s FF, James Sturm’s Unstable Molecules and we have a long chat about John ‘Blimey Guv’ Constantine and Hellbla..sorry HECKblazer. More importantly The Beast unveils his theme tune to a proposed Hellblazer TV show!

Can you stand it? Do you dare listen??


Click to download

Gary Lactus’ Vault of Tymbus#12

September 21st, 2009


Wowzers!  We sure had a lot to talk about last time I visited Tymbus in my vault.  I’ve decided to give it to you in seven handy-dandy sections in the vain hope that it might make the whole experience less tedious.

vault-of-tymbus-12-1 (Fantastic Four # 570)

vault-of-tymbus-12-02 (Archie Comics # 600)

vault-of-tymbus-12-03 (Jack Kirby’s Captain Victory)

vault-of-tymbus-12-04 (Lion)

vault-of-tymbus-12-05 (Asterios Polyp)

vault-of-tymbus-12-06 (Blackest Night)

vault-of-tymbus-12-07 (2000AD # 1650)

LOOK AND LEARN! Click here for images relevant to the above audio…



Two  amazing podcasts!  One explosive post!  All these comics and more!


In #10 we look at the Marvel Heroes Power Lucky Bag that we bought in the pub along with a host of publications found in the recent reordering of the vault.  We select/reject gems/germs like Ultimate Fantastic Four, Mystery Men, Duplex Planet, A1, Hup, and more!

Click to download VOT#10


With #11 we review some recent comics including Wildstorm’s Red Herring#1, Marvel’s Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers, DC’s Red Circle: Inferno and Doom Patrol #1. Then, lucky listener we look at some old copies of Buster from 1980 which Tymbus goes on about at such tedious length I’ve had to put a musical bed underneath it to sweeten the shitty pill.

Click to download VOT#11


Click for more pics and a whole episode of the brilliant Leopard from Lime Street…

You choose Tues views

August 11th, 2009


God, that’s an annoying title.  I’m sure we’ll do something about it like never use it again.  Here we go with our regular Tuesday reviews of fairly recent comics.  As you may know, I am more of a space traveler and podcaster rather than a writer so I’ll apologize in advance for not writing in that eloquent, insightful style you’d normally expect from a Mindless post.  As a consequence of this paucity of writing finesse I won’t be skirting around plot lines and such so…

1st birthday podcast: downtime

February 25th, 2009


Even my hero Galactus needs to take time out to Relaxus occasionally and we Mindless Ones are no different.  For our first birthday we all got together on my spaceship and just hung out together and talked about how our favourite comic book characters like to relax.

click to download


Thanks to Brown Lantern for the editing.

Click for pulse pounding pics!!!!


November 23rd, 2008


Not done these in a while. Where to start?

where indeed