Gary Lactus’ Vault of Tymbus#13
November 28th, 2009
Hi there. In this special SOS edition of the Vault, we look at:
Doom Patrol #2, Red Tornado #1, Strange Tales #1, Hookjaw and Jackie
If our choices of talking point seem a few months old it’s because I’ve was locked for a very long time in the Vault with Tymbus. It took a long time for me to get over the trauma, okay? I couldn’t even bring myself to edit this, the bleakest time of my life so far, so Brown Lantern had to do the duties. For this I am very grateful.
Click to domnload VOT13
Gary Lactus’ Vault of Tymbus#12
September 21st, 2009
Wowzers! We sure had a lot to talk about last time I visited Tymbus in my vault. I’ve decided to give it to you in seven handy-dandy sections in the vain hope that it might make the whole experience less tedious.
vault-of-tymbus-12-1 (Fantastic Four # 570)
vault-of-tymbus-12-02 (Archie Comics # 600)
vault-of-tymbus-12-03 (Jack Kirby’s Captain Victory)
vault-of-tymbus-12-04 (Lion)
vault-of-tymbus-12-05 (Asterios Polyp)
vault-of-tymbus-12-06 (Blackest Night)
vault-of-tymbus-12-07 (2000AD # 1650)
LOOK AND LEARN! Click here for images relevant to the above audio…
Gary Lactus’ Vault of Tymbus #8
July 2nd, 2009
Welcome, dear listener to another forty-odd minutes of intensely engaging, life-changing chit-chat. In this podcast I try and tie everything together with the idea that it’s dreams what keep comics alive whilst Tymbus tries to torpedo my motif and rants about the European Union. Fancy a listen? What say you?
Adventure into amazing!
[audio:]Gary Lactus’ Vault of Tymbus #7
June 1st, 2009
Everyone loves Jack Kirby, right? Come listen now as I, Gary Lactus discuss with that corpulent comic critic, Tymbus, The Losers from DC Comics. Originally published in Our Fighting Forces, this podcast deals with the recently collected hardback. We also try an experiment in which I use the sound effects from the book to generate some Dadaist sound poetry.
Click to download Vault of Tymbus #7
[audio:]Gary Lactus’ Vault of Tymbus #6
May 28th, 2009
This time we look at and talk about some incredibly non-essential publications from comics history and answer some of your welcome letters and emails. We have romance with Teen Confessions, thrilling drama with Have You The Nerve To Face The Unexpected, and rubbish with Wrath.
We also ponder the question: Malibu Comics, did it flip or did it float?
Click to download Vault of Tymbus #6
Look! Pictures so you can read along with Gary and Tymbus!
Gary Lactus’ Vault of Tymbus #5
March 30th, 2009
In this latest, up-to-the-minute podcast, Tymbus talks about the weeks-old Watchmen movie and Gary Lactus looks at Mike McMahon’s work on Doctor Who from 1980. Oh yes, Tymbus talks a bit about the DC humour comic, Plop from 1975 but by then we’ve all tuned out and found better things to do.
Click to download Vault of Tymbus #5
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