February 28th, 2017
Silence children, silence. I hear a whisper ‘pon the leaves and a mist has descended. WHO COMES TO TROUBLE OUR CAMPFIRE?!
Why, ’tis Mister Merry and his sack full of pranks! Open your sack Mister Merry, let us all benefit from its bounty!
But what is this!? Little crippled Froomashoom, you shall have your comics wish! It is a bumper to bumper edition of SILENCE! Now we shall truly make merry!
That’s right, Gorbarek the weepy, this sack contains all the four colour nourishment you will ever require as Gary Lactus and Lord Nuneaton Savage expound upon many an inky truth. From The Wildstorm to Transmetropolitan; Cursewords, The Visitor and why He Stayed, Tank Girl Gold, Storming Heaven, Batman and the 2000AD 40th Anniversary Special. Ho, but this is joy indeed! There is a SILENCE! The Film Has Started, with Savage expanding and expanding on the subject of Anna Billison’s The Love Witch, oh sires! There shall be merriment in these hills afore long!
But, hark… what is that in the shadows? There, by the babbling brook, do you see? Snuffling and slipping between sight.
EGAD! ‘Tis The Beast Must Die!
And he has… a strange new familiar…
This edition of SILENCE! is proudly sponsored by the greatest comics shop on the planet, DAVE’S COMICS of Brighton. It’s also sponsored the greatest comics shop on the planet GOSH! Comics of London.
Future Shocked
February 25th, 2017
While I was preparing my piece on 2000AD‘s fortieth anniversary, I was reading through the new edition of Thrill-Power Overload, the history of 2000AD (a genuinely excellent book, incidentally – far more willing to criticise the comic and its publishers than you’d expect from an official celebration), and I came across what may be the wrongest thing Grant Morrison (a man who I admire hugely as a writer, but who has made more than his share of wrong statements) has ever said:
“at least Batman also has Bruce Wayne, giving him all of two dimensions. Dredd is just Dredd. I think the character is now as relevant to the new century as Dan Dare was to the 1970s.”
2000AD at Forty
February 22nd, 2017
Borag Thung, Mindlessettes, and happy fortieth birthday to the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic!
February 21st, 2017
Then give me the electric chair
ITEM TFW you beam down from thespaceship (in space) feeling real, real good! If you knew the things I knew, dear participant…
ITEM Iiiiiiiit’s a bobsy week on Silence #214 but don’t worry it’s still quite good, he wrote, a little drunk and quite pass-agg.
ITEM The lads Gary and Batlow piss about for a bit before they enter the reviewniverse (where conditions are ferocious), and in the process cover the all-important Sponsorshibboleths, the Lego Batman movie, #dredducation and a perhaps too in-depth look at the bob’s feels about the recorded long player music album called BATMAN by the prince of a place called Prince.
ITEM And that goes on for a little bit too long if we’re honest, or maybe he’s edited it, (I don’t know. I’m on a train, as the boy Cobain might have said, also mentioned in this epppppisode)
ITEM But then yeah eventually we get to the reviewniverse where everybody’s talkin’ about (in no good order) Wildstorm, Cave Carson, CIABatman, Nazi Captain America, Ultimates 2, Doctor Strange, Batwoman Rebirth, Green Lanterns, Old Man Logan, Dad’s Weekend (good), and Punisherment (RIP Steve D).
This edition of SILENCE! is proudly sponsored by the greatest comics shop on the planet, DAVE’S COMICS of Brighton. It’s also sponsored the greatest comics shop on the planet GOSH! Comics of London.
Diane… #29: Twin Peaks Episode 27 – The Path to the Black Lodge
February 19th, 2017
Welcome to Diane… #29
There is a great conjunction occurring in time. Join Rosie, Adam and Bob as they look as one into episode 27 of David Lynch and Mark Frost’s Twin Peaks, sometimes known as The Path to the Black Lodge. As the end nears and Time and Space approach conjunction, our theme is Unification.
Two bad men combine to make a horse. Billy Zane and a certain Miss Horne make a beast of two backs, and Major Briggs returns the secret history of the 20th century to the sight of God.
Each embedding contains the possibility of a dis-embedding, as something that was at a supposedly inferior ontological level threatens to climb up out of its subordinated position an claim equal status with the level above.
LOADS of plans afoot at Diane HQ lately. The end of Twin Peaks is imminent but we feel like we’re just getting started. If you’d like to support us as we take our brains to another dimension then please kick on over to iTunes and gives us a fat five star review. Cheers!
You can do Diane on iTunes (US or UK), and over on Twitter and Tumblr. New Dianes are born on Wednesdays on Libsyn – and live out their lives here on Mindless Ones.
Next episode: BOBbing for apples
PS: Image this time via Giphy.
February 14th, 2017
ITEM SILENCE! #213 is on your doorstep with a dozen roses. But how does it know where you live?!
ITEM When comics podcasts are outlawed, only outlaws will have comics podcasts. Your outlaws this week are Gary Lactus, Lord Nuneaton Savage and Maid Of Nails
ITEM Maid of Nails stops by with a Very Special Report on 2000AD’s 40th birthday celebrations and what renowned comics creators get up to when they’re drunk.
ITEM In the Reviewniverse we find Squirrel Girl, All-Star Batman, Resident Alien, Nemesis shoots Slaine in the face, Motor Crush, Blubber, Judge Dredd, Picnoleptic Inertia, lady War Stories, and Cerebus…in HELL?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
This edition of SILENCE! is proudly sponsored by the greatest comics shop on the planet, DAVE’S COMICS of Brighton. It’s also sponsored the greatest comics shop on the planet GOSH! Comics of London.
February 6th, 2017
Momma I’m A Mi$$ionaire!
ITEM Ask yourself: what would you do with a handful of free superhero comics every week? Only then may ye judge.
ITEM Yosephine! With the relentless urge to oblivion of a certain popular zombie franchise lurches Silence! 212. All things are hell but the lads are having a cracking time of it, to be honest
ITEM The cosmically contentious Space Gaz and nuclear terror bobsy take a few potshots at some old enemies thereby solving all the world’s problems – you’re welcome – before covering a spot of admin, Dredducation and oh yeah comic reviews! We do…
ITEM Shade the Changing Girl, Operation Batman, The Walking Dead, The Unstoppable Wasp, Hawkeye, Champigwens, Monsters Unleashed, Motro, and possibly some others we forgot to write down.
This edition of SILENCE! is proudly sponsored by the greatest comics shop on the planet, DAVE’S COMICS of Brighton. It’s also sponsored the greatest comics shop on the planet GOSH! Comics of London.