February 28th, 2017
Silence children, silence. I hear a whisper ‘pon the leaves and a mist has descended. WHO COMES TO TROUBLE OUR CAMPFIRE?!
Why, ’tis Mister Merry and his sack full of pranks! Open your sack Mister Merry, let us all benefit from its bounty!
But what is this!? Little crippled Froomashoom, you shall have your comics wish! It is a bumper to bumper edition of SILENCE! Now we shall truly make merry!
That’s right, Gorbarek the weepy, this sack contains all the four colour nourishment you will ever require as Gary Lactus and Lord Nuneaton Savage expound upon many an inky truth. From The Wildstorm to Transmetropolitan; Cursewords, The Visitor and why He Stayed, Tank Girl Gold, Storming Heaven, Batman and the 2000AD 40th Anniversary Special. Ho, but this is joy indeed! There is a SILENCE! The Film Has Started, with Savage expanding and expanding on the subject of Anna Billison’s The Love Witch, oh sires! There shall be merriment in these hills afore long!
But, hark… what is that in the shadows? There, by the babbling brook, do you see? Snuffling and slipping between sight.
EGAD! ‘Tis The Beast Must Die!
And he has… a strange new familiar…
This edition of SILENCE! is proudly sponsored by the greatest comics shop on the planet, DAVE’S COMICS of Brighton. It’s also sponsored the greatest comics shop on the planet GOSH! Comics of London.
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