February 22nd, 2016




Welcome welcome welcome welcome….WELL COME ON THEN! Don’t just stand there on the doorstep snivelling! In or out, make your choice. But when you’re in you’re in, if you know what I mean. And if you don’t know what I mean, then you’re out. And if you’re out, you’re out for good, if you get my gist. And if you get my gist then you’re on my team – and if you’re on my team then you’re in. SO GET IN FOR GOODNESS SAKE. You’ve let out all the heat. And I’d only just got this podcast nice and toasty. GAH!

Welcome to SILENCE! The comics podcast for discerning imbeciles.

<ITEM> The Beast Must Die & Gary Lactus pack up their troubles in their old kit bags and  smile, smile, smile – all the way into some classic admin. And it’s a doozy. Sponsorship out the wazzoo, some honest to goodness SILENCE! News abbout DC: Resnooze and a whole heap more

<ITEM> BUT! There’s also a great episode of SILENCE! (Because the Film has Started) with The Beast Must Die on Austrian horror Goodnight Mommy and Gary Lactus on Deadpoo. I mean Deadpoo. Goddamnit, no, I mean Deadpoo. DEADPOO!

<ITEM> Das Reviewniverse with hot topical chattering on Sammy Harkham’s Crickets, Spider Woman, Stray Bullets, Power Man & Iron Fist, Bitch Planet, Swamp Thing, Katsuhiro Otomo’s Memories and Farewell To Arms, Huck and the Deadline 1990 Xmas Special

Whooooooooooosh! Hear that? That was your mind being blown.

click to download SILENCE!#177



You can support us using Patreon if you like.

This edition of SILENCE! is proudly sponsored by the greatest comics shop on the planet, DAVE’S COMICS of Brighton. It’s also sponsored the greatest comics shop on the planet GOSH! Comics of London.


February 17th, 2016



Look you’re not geeting some fancy schmancy blurb this time okay?? Above, you can see the first two entries in the new game I have created and trademarked. It’s called ‘INSERT EDDIE’ and the point is to prove that inserting Iron Maiden’s Eddie into any album cover automatically improves it. Have a go, and post the entries somewhere I can see them. Winner gets a warm feeling in their undercrackers. Anyway. Here’s SILENCE!

<ITEM> It’s a Bobsy week! Joining The Beast Must Die and Gary Lactus to talk enthusiastically, is..well Bobsy. I just said it was a Bobsy week. Really ballsed that one up didn’t I? Oh well. Expect opinions!

<ITEM> Some glorious admin, and discussion of the 2nd of our SILENCE!: The Prestige Format podcasts, available EXCLUSIVELY to our Patreon subscribonauts. Get involved why dontcha?

<ITEM> Bobsy reviews some farkin’ art doesn’t he? Jamie Hewlett’s Tarot designs get a mauling. Ooh I say!

<ITEM> After the usual technical mishaps, the boys enter the Reviewniverse. Discussed: Providence no.7, Deadpool, New Romancer, Vision,  a bunch of Marvel stuff I can’t remember, Batman & TMNT, The Saga of The Victims and no doubt a whole scunt more

<ITEM> Bobsy swears!

And like a crap thief in the night, tripping over a sleeping dog, waking the household, setting off the alarms and getting arrested, we’re out!

click to download SILENCE!#176



You can support us using Patreon if you like.

This edition of SILENCE! is proudly sponsored by the greatest comics shop on the planet, DAVE’S COMICS of Brighton. It’s also sponsored the greatest comics shop on the planet GOSH! Comics of London.


February 9th, 2016




What is that thing? Wait a minute that’s disgusting. But nonetheless there it is. There it is indeed, sat in the corner looking at you. What the hell is it? Who does it think it is? Does anyone know? Can anyone tell me? Wait a minute…it’s opening it’s mouth. God, look at it’s teeth, they’re like tombstones in a haunted graveyard. Revolting. I’m disgusted. I shan’t pay it a second more of my attention. I’m turning the other way. I’m looking away. How dare that thing ruin my day with it’s…OH GOD IT’S IN FRONT OF ME AGAIN… IT’S ON MY FACE, IT’S TRYING TO BITE MY EYES…WHAT IZZZZZ IT….!??

It’s SILENCE! of course. And Jumpin’ Jiminy Crizzmass it’s a podcast that comes to you by the skin of the hair on it’s teeth…. Not to spoil anything but Gary Lactus deserves a medal for being here for this one, but we’ll let him tell that particular tale. It’s all part of the podcast that walks like a baboon but think it’s a fancy country squire.

<ITEM> Traumatic Life Event! Star-studded Sponsorship! Guest-filled admin! SMASH! Biblical references! EXCLAMATION POINTS!!!

<ITEM>But always rely on the Reviewniverse to clasp you to its multi-coloured breast and feed you nurturing comics juice.  Along with the Liefeld of the Land, we have Code Pru, The Eighthe Seal, Paper Girls, Saga, Uber, Mercury Heat, Klaus, Johnny Red, Battle, Battle Action Force, Storm Force and a whole hootenanny more.

Now come on. We’ve all had a bit too much excitemence. Let’s grab some ginger tea and have a nice sit down. Shhhh!

click to download SILENCE!#175




You can support us using Patreon if you like.

This edition of SILENCE! is proudly sponsored by the greatest comics shop on the planet, DAVE’S COMICS of Brighton. It’s also sponsored the greatest comics shop on the planet GOSH! Comics of London.

Illogical Volume S.M.A.S.H.

February 5th, 2016

If you’re in or around London tomorrow, I’ll be speaking about comics art and community intelligence at this event.  I’ll be on a panel with Katriona Chapman, Hannah K Chapman, Maggie Chapman and Mark Stafford, so even if I’m reduced to shouting the words “ART PARAGRAPH!” over and over again, the other speakers should ensure that it’s not a total disaster.

As you can see from the poster above, I’ll be in good company, with friend-of-the-site Kieron Gillen, artist extraordinaire Alison Sampson and free-roaming Mindless element Kelly Kanayama/Maid of Nails also speaking words at the event.  The SILENCE! boys will be attendance, and the whole thing will almost inevitably end in drunken tears, so please – JOIN US!



February 2nd, 2016




Gird your loins people. It’s coming. It’s here. And it’s walking on its hands and wearing your parents’ faces like a mask! It has to be, it can only be, the internet’s favourite audio prophylactic SILENCE! Comics podcasetery of the finest and most delectable kind from The Beast Must Die & Gary Lactus. Take it, pu it in your lug ‘oles and then have a nice long lie down. Not too long though. People might think you’re dead and put you in a bin bag.

<ITEM> Administrification, with news of our new Patreon special episodes The Prestige Format, Sponsorschip, Fan-art and a whole bunfight more.

<ITEM> It’s the Reviewniverse, with its special new sub-section The Liefield of the Land featuring…Shatty-Buns? There’s talk of Gilbert Hernandez’ Blubber, Last Band In Town, All New All New Different All Dancing Avengers, Prophet: Earth War, Island, Twilight Children, Darwyn Cooke’s Parker: Slayground, Spiderwoman, Captain Marvel, Chips & Vanilla, Megaton Man and a bit, nay a bob, more…

The End. You go now. GO! GET OUT! STOP LOOKING AT ME!!!

click to download SILENCE!#174



You can support us using Patreon if you like.

This edition of SILENCE! is proudly sponsored by the greatest comics shop on the planet, DAVE’S COMICS of Brighton. It’s also sponsored the greatest comics shop on the planet GOSH! Comics of London.