Podcast: Halloween spectacular!

October 30th, 2008


Look at that! That’s The Beast Must Die‘s Haunted Mansion. A bunch of us Mindless Ones have just recorded a podcast (NSFW) there where we all talked about scary comics.

Download at your peril![audio:http://mindlessones.files.wordpress.com/2008/10/mopodcast007.mp3]

We also managed what will be our regular podcast features, Voyage Into The Negative Zone and Touchdown On Paradise Island where we slag things off and praise others respectively.


More after the jump…

Click for more Termini

Judge Dredd in one panel

October 28th, 2008

Celebrating ‘cool panel‘ month here at Mindless Ones, I will attempt to explain the basic appeal of Britain’s premiere bastard, Judge Dredd…

Zarjaz action over the jump, Earthlets

Phase Aciiiieeeeeed!!!

October 26th, 2008

So, it’s cool panel month and weirdly enough, because we are twins and have teh BRAINPOWERZ, Zom and I reached exactly the same conclusion regarding the panel we’d focus on next. And then we duked it out PSIKICK-BOLT style for who would get to do it.

Needless to say, I won.

Imagine Daniel-san’s special crane move – the one that finshes off that bruiser prick at the end of Karate Kid (but HAPPENING TO YOUR MIND) – and you’ve got the gist of what I mean right there. No contest.

You’ve taken the thing – there’s no going back now…

Sadistic torture really isn’t very nice. It’s everything that society tries to force under the carpet (unless the situation calls for real men like Jack Bauer). It represents total freedom, action unrestricted by boundaries (read: bodies), total control, total transgression, captured alongside the omega of abjection and suffering. The idealised torture chamber is a space where these limits – which are so very dangerous and threatening and repulsive – can be fully explored, and there will always be people who see the allure in that. It’s the blood red abyss beyond the brink of the acceptable, but like all good acrophobics we can’t help but look down, perhaps we’ll see something we like.

You’ve all seen Hostel, right?

Many more words after the jump

Click for more Termini

As promised, here’s the Gilbert Shelton interview what I done with Tymbus when he came to Brighton to promote his Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers Omnibus.  In this podcast he talks about the Freak Brothers, Robert Crumb, Bungee Jumping and lots more.

Mr Shelton is considered by many to be one of the world’s most influential underground cartoonists. You should listen!

More after the jump…

Interblog circle jerk II

October 19th, 2008

The Second Cumming, a followthrough on our interview here, stands erect upon the interspheres. Please head over to Andrew Hickey’s for it, i) to read, and ii) as I believe his notion is to expand a bit in the comments section. I’ll be there – I love it under the posts! You rascals.


October 18th, 2008

Next week will be better, my friends!