Cape killer apokriffer
September 29th, 2008
The first mission of the Silent 73 (there’s about 14 of us now, I think, including half of all the people I know in the world. This could take a while.)
Will be to locate certain priceless documents pertaining to our quest. These are:
- The ‘missing’ scenes of Batman #428 (Earth-A version) – the scenes that they had on standby in case the Yes vote took it. When our final quest is completed, these pages will be the real deal, of course. These pages must ne made manifest in simulation before they can be brought into the real. (got scans?)
- The editorial/letters page of Batman # 427, where they explained the whole mad deal to the fans. I need to see them so I can feel the awkwardness and embarrasment in Denny’s ‘voice’ as he explains this weird little gimmick to his always-explosive and over-invested readership. Handle with care.
Help us, Silent 73. Find the treasure.
Always and forever: A quick, gushing rant over an ASS. And there’s nothing wrong with that
September 26th, 2008
It was 2005 when I decided to paint my walls ASS pink and give up dope.
I was a smug bastard about it too.
I think the catalyst for it had something to do with a very nasty about of drug fuelled morbid self-analysis, which saw me pacing my then matchbox of a bedroom, backwards and forwards, backwards and forwards, for at least half an hour, in an attempt to disperse the soul-shredding anxiety and paranoia, through, if anyone should have really been spying on me via evil satellite link, embarrassing levels of exercise. Thankfully the munchies eventually kicked in, the clouds lifted and I decided enough was enough. It would be the last time I raided the fridge for Ryvita and sweetcorn relish (anything tastes good when your in the throws of, as my Mum’s friend put it, ‘the delicious eating’) at four in the morning, and it would be the last time I performed like a crazy monkey-man for the entertainment of the evil bastard demons plaguing my befuddled noggin.
After that everything shifted.
Terminus – a weekly comic strip
September 25th, 2008
To hunt a cape killer
September 22nd, 2008
I got my black shirt on.
I got my Black Gloves on.
I got my ski mask on.
This shit’s been too long.
Cape killer, better you than me.
Cape killer, fuck superhero brutality!
Cape killer, I know your whole league’s grievin’
(Fuck ’em.)
Cape killer, but tonight we get even.
– Cape Killer, by Ice-2 (the Ice-T of Earth-2)
A thought caught me, late last night, and it won’t let go. So let’s kick it around a bit, and see what we get out.
The Black Glove. Yijing. Three.
September 21st, 2008
The Black Glove! Yijing! Round 3! That’s right – we’re back with more probably-rubbish and definitely-disrespectful divination disasterism. After a bit of a break, my mate the Classic of Changes and me are returneth to look at another bunch of perhaps less-than-likely suspects in our current Batman whodunnit. (Don’t worry, only another couple of Thursdays before the next issue comes out, and maybe we can all pretend this giant game of guess-who never happened.)
This week, we’re looking at the good guys, so lets ‘ave it.
Suspect 1: Robin, The Boy Wonder.
Check out the gloves.
Terminus – a weekly comic strip
September 17th, 2008
Masters of Kung-Fu: Iron Fist vs Badger
September 15th, 2008
Synchronicity. Whilst finishing up Vol 2 of Fraction and Brubaker’s extremely enjoyable but flawed Iron Fist, I was reminded of John Carpenter’s wonderful (and prescient) love letter to the Shaw Brothers martial arts movies of the 60’s and 70’s, Big Trouble in Little China. Lo and behold I got home late last night, turned on the TV and there it was in all it’s ridiculous glory (Hail Jack Burton, greatest and most misunderstood action hero of all time!). Something about that film’s giddy and gleeful mish-mashing of East and West pulp genres has seeped it’s way into the current incarnation of Iron Fist. Or maybe it’s always been there. Western culture has long evidenced a love affair with Martial Arts and ‘Eastern Mysticism’ (in the form of green smoke, immortal warriors, and exotic sounding fighting styles rather than any, y’know, actual Eastern mythology). Post-Enter The Dragon the 1970’s went Kung-Fu crazy, and whilst the obsession may have dimmed slightly (or at least been transferred towards fighty computer games) you can guarantee that school yards still resound with the clamour of ill-conceived ‘Special Moves’ and misjudged spin-kicks.
Podcast: big it up! slag it off!
September 12th, 2008
Okay, so this is the last bit we recorded. Here we each slag something off then big something up whilst sat on special hover chairs on my spaceship in space. No photos exist of this bit as my camera was on the floor and I couldn’t reach it because my hover chair was hovering too high. I think we’re going to make this a regular feature on our podcasts but we’re going to call the two sections “Voyage into the Negative Zone” and “Touchdown on Paradise Island” as we can travel to both of those places in my spaceship which is mine.
We’re planning to cast our pods again around Halloween when we’ll have a scary special edition from The Beast Must Die’s House of Haunted Horror! If you’ve listened to any of these aural assalts then: thankyou, glad you enjoyed it/sorry, well do better next time (delete as appropriate). So until next time…