Interview with a Cape Killer (part 1)
November 17th, 2008
And you thought we’d forgotten. For the lucky uninitiated, check the Cape-Killer archive:
What are you waiting for? JOIN US!!
So. We caught one.. A genuine, real life, stone-cold Cape Killer. Hero-blood under the nails on her dialing finger.
Cape killer apokriffer
September 29th, 2008
The first mission of the Silent 73 (there’s about 14 of us now, I think, including half of all the people I know in the world. This could take a while.)
Will be to locate certain priceless documents pertaining to our quest. These are:
- The ‘missing’ scenes of Batman #428 (Earth-A version) – the scenes that they had on standby in case the Yes vote took it. When our final quest is completed, these pages will be the real deal, of course. These pages must ne made manifest in simulation before they can be brought into the real. (got scans?)
- The editorial/letters page of Batman # 427, where they explained the whole mad deal to the fans. I need to see them so I can feel the awkwardness and embarrasment in Denny’s ‘voice’ as he explains this weird little gimmick to his always-explosive and over-invested readership. Handle with care.
Help us, Silent 73. Find the treasure.