The Mindless Ones will be exhibiting their tawdry wares at this weekend’s Thought Bubble Comics Convention in Leeds.

Mindlessers Andrew Hickey, Dan White (The Beast Must Die), and Illogical Volume will be there for the full two days, so come by table 40 at Royal Armouries Hall and say hello. And buy things.


I shall be selling copies of all my comics

Terminus vols 1-3

Zip City Comics 1

Cindy and Biscuit 1

and the first print copies of Cindy & Biscuit: What We Did At the Weekend, as featured right here.

Illogical Volume: Since I’m a lazy, easily distracted bastard, I don’t have any books or comics for you to buy, and contrary to what some people have suggested, I probably won’t be selling sexual favours either. Probably.

What I will be doing is talking pish, touching heads, and possibly acting out bits of Gary Lactus’ epic Amusing Brothers story, Knights of the Realm, depending on how many “adult beverages” I’ve had.

I will also be helping Dan and Andrew (aka the man-mashed master criminal Dandrew) sell copies of their excellent books and comics, because they are excellent, and you should buy them, because did I mention that they are excellent?

Hnh. There is a reason I never became a salesman.

Anyway, if you’re going, please stop by so we can indulge in some mutual headtouching!

Mmmm… headtouching!

Andrew Hickey: And I, meanwhile, will be selling copies of my books Sci-Ence! Justice Leak! (about Darkseid, Doctor Who, Mister Miracle, the Liberal Democrats and fanfiction, amongst other things) and An Incomprehensible Condition, about Seven Soldiers.

(I’ll also have a small number of copies of my other books on hand, in case anyone has mistaken the comic convention for a 60s pop convention).

My books aren’t as good as Dan’s, because they don’t have many pictures in (and I didn’t even draw the pictures that are in them myself). But on the upside, they are more expensive.

I will also be available for head-touching, although you’re really better off not doing. I’m contagious.

There’s also other stuff to do there, if you don’t fancy spending two days just hanging around three comics bloggers and touching parts of their anatomy. You could, for example, stalk Bryan Talbot, as I did in 2009, or you could go and watch Mel Gibson talk about being a woman in comics. Or get Cameron Stewart or Paul Cornell to scribble their names on things. The possibilities are limitless.

The point is, Thought Bubble is great, and we’re great, so this is a winning combination, and you should come along and give us money.

That’s what I wanted to call Andrew Hickey’s new Seven Soldiers reader, The Miser’s Coat, but he’d only gawn an’ bleedin’ had another idea for the title of his own work first, so. An Incomprehensible Condition should be available from finer internet shops by the time you read this; and he’s only gawn an’ bleedin’ joined the Mindless Ones for his pop-culture critic hat, we’re over the bloody moon to have him, so this interview serves a twofold purpose: to promote and discuss the book and to welcome him to our plated bosom.

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Interblog circle jerk II

October 19th, 2008

The Second Cumming, a followthrough on our interview here, stands erect upon the interspheres. Please head over to Andrew Hickey’s for it, i) to read, and ii) as I believe his notion is to expand a bit in the comments section. I’ll be there – I love it under the posts! You rascals.

Hello, Mindless reader – today we begin what will hopefully be a series of interviews with our peers in what some like to call ‘the comics blogosphere’. We begin with the excellent one-time Countdown blogger (said focus didn’t last long, fear not) Andrew Hickey, who now posts his everything at the plenarily, and accurately, entitled Thoughts on music, science, politics and comics. Mostly comics. You should read it, he write good. Onward, then!

More after the jump…