Diane… #15: Twin Peaks Episode 13 – Demons
August 25th, 2016
Welcome to Diane… #15.
Rosie, Bob and Adam dose up on bad medicine before watching the lucky thirteenth episode of David Lynch and Mark Frost’s Twin Peaks, Demons.
This time on Diane infection threatens but the treatment seems to be off. Audrey’s had an overdose, Harold fights contamination, and if the wonders of home care don’t kill Leo Johnson the cake might. Off his meds, the one armed man reveals that his amputation was inspired by God, and invites us to consider the parasite.
We could all catch up on our sleep ladies and gentlemen, but restless nights and uneasy dreams go with the territory.
You mighty one who ascends the mountains
Who faces all the winds,
Angry wind, who’s rising is terrible
Fierce one, raging one, who comes on furiously,
Who roars at the world regions, who wrecks the high mountains
Who parches the marshland, who withers its reeds
He confronted the woods, dropped its trees
He descended to the river, poured out ice
He struck the young man, hunched him over,
He knocked the young woman, hit her womb
Thanks once for listening and thanks a million for all your kind comments, likes, faves, gold stars and other internet signifiers of AWESOME. Please keep on clicking because otherwise poor little podcasts wither and die like Pazuzu wrecking the high mountains there. Like the blasting desert wind, word of mouth is a great thing too – so please tell your friends and ancestors.
Subscribe on iTunes. Follow Diane… on Twitter and Tumblr, and find brand new episodes of Diane… every week* on Libsyn.
*Actually by jovi, we’re having a break while a few of us go on holiday or whatever, so no Diane for three weeks. Feel good about it: consider it a respite.
Next episode: Nothing major really, just a nice little ep to chat about
SILENCE! # Suicide Squad film chat with Phil Jerrod
August 24th, 2016
This is a placeholder edition of SILENCE! where Gary Lactus and Phil Jerrod
talk about Suicide Squad. It was recorded in a windy park in Edinburgh at night. I think that’s all you need to know. Normal service will resume soon.
Click to download SILENCE!#Suicide Squad with Phil Jerrod
This edition of SILENCE! is proudly sponsored by the greatest comics shop on the planet, DAVE’S COMICS of Brighton. It’s also sponsored the greatest comics shop on the planet GOSH! Comics of London.
Punisher Chat #1: Surprise, Everything Is Terrible
August 21st, 2016
Maid of Nails: Before we get into the Punisher, I think we should let people know how XTREME his fans are.
Botswana Beast: Should I read the letter?
[To paraphrase Keats: beauty is truth, truth beauty, and this letter is both]
MoN: So that is what we’re dealing with.
BB: It doesn’t ever mention race, that letter, but it’s fairly indicative of what a lot of early Punisher comics were, which is shooting “street toughs” of undetermined race —
MoN: Were any of these “street toughs” ever named Tyrone or Leroy?
BB: They may have been. Or Hector. So yeah, the Punisher’s origins are as a Spider-Man villain-cum-antihero who is hired by — possibly the Chameleon, I can’t remember, to take out Spider-Man under some false pretext. I think that was 1973, and his debut series was actually a decade later. At that point he became a leading character, shooting largely mafiosi and, as I say, street toughs (that’s not entirely fair characterization; Mike Baron’s a good writer — well, he’s written some exciting action comics), until 1999/2000, when Garth Ennis, the infamous Irishman, took over and really redefined the character.
MoN: A lot more mafia and organized crime, and a lot fewer street toughs.
BB: He does still shoot quite a lot of black people, but —
MoN: There’s a lot fewer story arcs devoted to him shooting black people. Except for Barracuda and John James Toomey (RIP), who gets shot in a setup that the Punisher coerces one of Toomey’s crew into. And then the guy from his crew is yelling at John James Toomey like, “Who’s gonna get your fuckin’ fried chicken now?” DUDE. A lot of people like fried chicken, but I find it odd that Garth Ennis went there.
BB: What really came to define him — and I think they are among the best, if not the best comics ever published, then certainly the best researched — is the adult imprint stuff from Marvel MAX.
MoN: Stuff with more war.
BB: Another favourite topic of Garth Ennis. Anyway, it began in 2003 with the prelude miniseries Born.
MoN: Let’s tell the readers: what is Born about?
BB: It’s about the Vietnam War, of course — because that is the sort of defining thing about Frank Castle, although it’s kind of difficult now; I don’t think Marvel can really sell a character who fought in the Vietnam War, because he would be 65 or something. So Garth Ennis does enjoy a war story, and Frank Castle, prior to any of this, was a guest star in issue #7 of Marvel’s The ‘Nam comic, where he appears as a young man. And it sort of nicely counterpoints him against Captain America because you have someone who fought in a good war and was treated extremely well on returning, and then you have someone who returned from an unjust, shitty piece of American interventionism.
MoN: I’m curious to see how they’re going to handle this, because with Vietnam, it quite quickly started to occupy this symbolic space in the popular American imagination. It was, yes, American interventionism biting America in the ass — you know, you have all these movies about people going to Vietnam: manly men sticking together but, surprise, everything is terrible and everyone is cynical.
Batman ’66: Death In Slow Motion/The Riddler’s False Notion
August 19th, 2016
What’s The Story?
The Riddler is carrying out crimes with a silent comedy theme
Diane… #14: Twin Peaks Episode 12 – The Orchid’s Curse
August 18th, 2016
Welcome to Diane… #14.
Rosie, Mark and Adam peer over the threshold of the twelfth episode of David Lynch and Mark Frost’s Twin Peaks, The Orchid’s Curse.
This week knives fly through the air and the theme is VIOLENCE! Leland’s on trial for murder, Nadine destroys a fridge, and the marvellous port-o-patient claims its first victim. As One Eyed Jacks becomes a Tiberian Bloodbath Coop drags Audrey from the wreckage.
The body count is rising but have no fear dear listener. We’re not just three men on a fishing trip. We’re a whole damn town.
Hothouse baby in its crib,
The ghastly orchid
Hanging its hanging garden in the air,
Devilish leopard!
Radiation turned it white
And killed it in an hour.
Greasing the bodies of adulterers
Like Hiroshima ash and eating in.
Hey you! Yeah you! You listener there! YOU ARE A RIGHT LEGEND. Thank you very much for listening to our little Twin Peaks podcast. If you like what we’re doing, or if you feel sorry for us because we are being so rubbish, please share the good times with your friends and neighbours, and like, rate review the living flipping heck out of us!!
Subscribe on iTunes. Follow Diane… on Twitter and Tumblr, and find brand new episodes of Diane… every week on Libsyn.
Next episode: We get lots of healthy fresh air and exorcise.
Diane… #13: Twin Peaks Episode 11 – Laura’s Secret Diary
August 12th, 2016
Rosie, Bob and Adam mull over the eleventh episode of David Lynch and Mark Frost’s Twin Peaks, Laura’s Secret Diary.
This week on Diane we expand our scope to encompass distance as we consider the theme of far flung friends. Andy sends the troops flying, regional dishes get exotic cachet, and though Josie returns to Harry’s arms she may as well be on the other side of the world.
Dear listener, when these frail shadows we inhabit now have quit the stage, we’ll meet, and raise a glass again in Valhalla.
Gladhouse is the fifth realm,
Where the towers of Valhalla, gold and broad and bright,
Stand. And the Stranger drags the weapon-dead from the battlefield
Thanks so much for listening listeners! The creamed corn of podcasting is friendly feedback so please like, follow, share, and rate us as a galaxy of stars and all that! Thank you again!
Subscribe on iTunes. Follow Diane… on Twitter and Tumblr, and find brand new episodes of Diane… every week on Libsyn.
Next episode: Things get a little rough…
August 11th, 2016
It’s that time people. A time of change. A time of peace. A time of war. A time of hope, of laughter, of tears. A time of tests. A time of trials. A time of twins. A time to live, a time to die. A time to kill. A time of hours, of minutes and seconds. A time to sleep. A time to wake. A time to eat. A time to fast. A time to slow. A time of potential. A time of possibility. A time of depair. A time of…TIME>
Time for SILENCE! you worms.
<ITEM> Gary Lactus & The Beast Must Die are not going to let time and space get in the way. Gary is broadcasting from the Edinburger festival up in sunny Scorchland while the Beast is broadcasting lieve, live from the Work Hive! All to bring you the most 5 star super fun and hot and zzzzzexy comics chat.
<ITEM> Sponsorship? Why not, with a guest shout to DeadHead Comics and some self-promotionalistaion for Gary’s FREE one man show at Edinbruge: https://tickets.edfringe.com/whats-on/fraser-geesin-jack-of-all-polymaths
<ITEM> The Reviewniverse you saps, so you better shape up. Talky talking about Kill Or Be Killed, Papergirls, Shade The Changing Man, Frank Miller’s Cheeseburger comics, Robocop Vs Terminator, Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur, Batman, Walking Dead, Andrew O’Neill and Comedy Posters. GET SUM.
Hoo boy. I wouldn’t want to be here when your Mum gets home…
Click to download SILENCE! #198
This edition of SILENCE! is proudly sponsored by the greatest comics shop on the planet, DAVE’S COMICS of Brighton. It’s also sponsored the greatest comics shop on the planet GOSH! Comics of London.
Diane… #12: Twin Peaks Episode 10 – The Man Behind the Glass
August 9th, 2016
Rosie, Mark and Adam get up at midnight for the tenth episode of David Lynch and Mark Frost’s Twin Peaks, The Man Behind the Glass.
This week on Diane it’s a slumber party. Audrey is eating candy in bed, Donna gossips with her dead best friend, and Ed sings Nadine a lullaby. The events of the recent days overwhelm Maddy, who feels that she’s fallen into Laura’s dream.
It’s almost like they didn’t bury her dead enough.
My name will recall the countless stars under which new lovers kiss. Death ferries me to a distant shore while striped fish spawn on turquoise waters, while black fish leap in white rivers.
Thanks to all our listeners! Whether you love us or want to devour our pitiful souls like cheap canned groceries, we would love your feedback, your clicks, likes, friends and lost network highways.
Subscribe on iTunes. Follow Diane… on Twitter and Tumblr, and find brand new episodes of Diane… every week on Libsyn.
Next episode: We open up the secret diary of Laura Palmer
Diane… #11: Twin Peaks Episode 9 – Coma
August 8th, 2016
The woods around Twin Peaks have been speaking to us through logs and dreams. This week on Diane it’s over a week since Laura was murdered and a mouth has opened in the sky.
Working with the theme of black holes we consider gravitational pull, disappearing acts, and space. Creamed corn vanishes, Audrey is dragged from Cooper’s grasp, and alien messages are delivered.
Is this real, ladies and gentlemen, or some strange and twisted dream?
Expect: Messages from space, James’s singing and ruptures in reality
The moon may be high / Sha bop sha bop / But I can’t see a thing in the sky / I only have eyes for you
I don’t know if we’re in a garden / Or on a crowded avenue / Sha bop sha bop
You are here / Sha bop sha bop / And so am I / Sha bop sha bop
Maybe millions of people go by / But they all disappear from view / And I only have eyes for you
Thanks to all our listeners, old and new, fake and true. We always want to hear from you!
Subscribe on iTunes. Follow Diane… on Twitter and Tumblr, and find brand new episodes of Diane… every week on Libsyn.
Next episode: Taking horticulture.