Terminus – a weekly comic strip

September 30th, 2009


Terminus archives!
My Blog!


Smellementary my dear

Rogue’s review: Nick O’Teen

September 28th, 2009


While flicking through the pages of Batman Year One in an effort to research my Batcave essay I paused, as I am want to do, on the pages where Bruce Wayne ventures into Gotham’s red light district. I feel now, as I have long felt, that I know those city streets: The neon gloom, the amphetamine air, the gaze of eyes it’s better not to catch. Coincidentally I’d recently listened to a show on Radio 4, presented by Suggs, on the history of London’s Soho and had been taken back to the early 80s and my visits to my Mother’s office, a television production company that specialised in music videos, that nestled on the edge of London’s red light district. I dreaded the inevitable few minutes spent under the glare of an arcade or sex shop waiting for a taxi or one of my Mum’s friends while the shadows of an adult world fell around me. Even behind the office walls I didn’t feel safe. Sometimes I overheard secretaries whispering about their sex lives thinking they were out of earshot or that the kid wouldn’t understand (I didn’t, but not in the way they thought). Then there were the alien artifacts that littered the rooms and staircases, the posters of rock concerts and the modern artworks that throbbed with a strange potential energy. But worst of all were the giggling men, who once or twice or perhaps more I can’t remember, offered me cocaine and cigarettes.

Just say no! after the jump

A weekly strip by Fraser Geesin


The book Dream Date by Tim Leopard and Fraser Geesin is available from Running Water Press or from Amazon.

Aggravastard Aggrebastard

September 24th, 2009


free telly horror special

Terminus – a weekly comic strip

September 23rd, 2009


Two reviews on Tues

September 22nd, 2009

Before the sun sets on the comics week.

bmrob-cv4Batman and Robin #4
Published by DC Comics
Story – Grant Morrison
Art – Philip Tan, Jonathan Glapion

This was always going to be a let down from where I’m sitting. Batman and Robin under the pen of Quitely was without a doubt my favourite Superhero comic of the year, and very possibly my favourite superhero comic since the last time those two collaborated. Scratch that, truth be told I preferred those three issues to All Star Superman, because not only were Morrison and Quitely producing fabulous work, they were producing fabulous work on a Batman comic, and I do so love a bit of Batman. So, yes, I always knew this was going to be a letdown and that I would have to struggle to give it a fair hearing.

More after the jump

Gary Lactus’ Vault of Tymbus#12

September 21st, 2009


Wowzers!  We sure had a lot to talk about last time I visited Tymbus in my vault.  I’ve decided to give it to you in seven handy-dandy sections in the vain hope that it might make the whole experience less tedious.

vault-of-tymbus-12-1 (Fantastic Four # 570)

vault-of-tymbus-12-02 (Archie Comics # 600)

vault-of-tymbus-12-03 (Jack Kirby’s Captain Victory)

vault-of-tymbus-12-04 (Lion)

vault-of-tymbus-12-05 (Asterios Polyp)

vault-of-tymbus-12-06 (Blackest Night)

vault-of-tymbus-12-07 (2000AD # 1650)

LOOK AND LEARN! Click here for images relevant to the above audio…

A weekly strip by Fraser Geesin


The book Dream Date by Tim Leopard and Fraser Geesin is available from Running Water Press or from Amazon.