June 6th, 2016

Gary Lactus & The Beast Must Die in a dance off that you just won’t believe! Throwing shapes that could change the fabric of space and reality! It’s time to step up to the streets, in 3D, in full effect! Those boys were thrown out of home when they were 15 and they been dancing ever since! Nobody puts SILENCE! in the corner! NOBODY!!! (and break)
<ITEM> It’s an old skool spektacliar, as Gary Lactus & The Beast Must Die hold hands and touch the sky together! Crazy guys – back in action!
<ITEM> Sponsorship? Check. Ramblocious ramblings? Check. A Kickstarter campaign worth your time? Check. Earth-Pig update? Check.
<ITEM> And then we’re hard into the Reviewniverse like a couple of bouncing bombc skipping across the 4-colour fjords. Looking at Batman: Rebirth, DC Rebirth, Superman: Rebirth, and DC Afterbirth. Plus! Civil War 2, Spiderwoman, Stray Bullets, Cinema Purgatorio, Stuart Gordon’s From Beyond, Papergirls and more, more, more (how do you like me?)
<ITEM> Bit of backmin and then we ‘re off!
Click to download SILENCE!#191
This edition of SILENCE! is proudly sponsored by the greatest comics shop on the planet, DAVE’S COMICS of Brighton. It’s also sponsored the greatest comics shop on the planet GOSH! Comics of London.