
Hey!  Great to see you!  Yeah, great party!  That Amy Poodle sure knows how to get a great looking, interesting and fun group of people together in a room and provide appropriate circumstances for that group of people to enjoy themselves!  Anyway, me and the rest of these Mindless Ones are off to a quiet corner to talk about comics.  You coming?  Great!

download mindlessnewyear1

Hey! Look at these!

Enjoy some pictures of stuff we plan on talking about at this great party after the jump…

Like Nick Kent straining to keep afloat in a pool of anti-mirror (the photographer snapping a few off for the cover of The Dark Stuff before his subject’s arms give out and he’s resubmerged, the black mind-vomit of the last eon’s keepers sloshing gently on the surface the only indication he ever managed to clamber back up those cold fathoms and out into the light, albeit for a few frantic seconds of splashing and flailing), Batman # 683 tells the story of one man drowning under the weight of super-rock star excess the pressures of which us mere mortals can never hope to understand.

If a tall dark stranger approaches you with a fun, brightly coloured costume, just say no, kids.

follow the bat-pole down, down…

This list is going to be a little unconventional. It’s going to include things like websites for starters, because, hey, this is the future, and we want to let you guys know we’re not all *old media* here in the dark dimension. Also, it’s going to alternate between an ‘amypoodle recommends’ kinda thing and an actual ‘best of’ list. If it was solely the latter, then I’m afraid it would be rather boring:
‘I went to see Batman at the I-Max and it was reaaaally gooooood’, you know the score. And most of it wasn’t produced this year either. Sorry.

poodle xmas dance, poodle xmas JUMP!

…And here’s the second part of our disturbing bounce on Father Tymbus’s knee (part 1 here). If you listen to the end you’ll find the unveiling of our amazing competition. Two competitions in fact! With prizes!! GREAT PRIZES!!! Actually one of them’s great and the other one not quite so.

[audio:http://mindlessones.files.wordpress.com/2008/12/moxmass2.mp3] More after the jump…

Enjoyable season to you, dear reader!

A few weeks ago, Myself, Amy Poodle, Bobsy, Zom and The Beast Must Die all got together for some festive fun. We thought it might be a good idea to visit a remote Xmas theme park that had recently been in the news for all the wrong reasons. Father Tymbus’ Xmas Grotty turned out to be a magical visit that none of us will ever forget, a visit that we here at Mindless Ones are happy to share with you today.


Jump for images and apologies…

Terminus – a weekly comic strip

December 24th, 2008


…said Steve the shop. Luckily, I had the issue in my hand already, thereby narrowly dodging another cruel flechette of conversational shrapnel, saved from a fresh scar of shame and age gouged from the old character armour.


Candy covers – Pic’n’Mix (Woolies RIP)

If it hadn’t a been for Jimmy Jump

A trout (poached) in (coconut) milk, yesterday. I am a literal mind.

So, our intersphere jizzgame of soggy biscuit has been incredibly successful so far, a fact I find somewhat mystifying, but – go figure – maybe bloggers like reading about blogging. I dunno. I’ve invited Plok or Pillock (which, wow, it used to mean penis, another thing I did nut no – all our British slang means penis, in the end, somehow) from the consistently excellent and engaging A Trout in the Milk to chat. Because we only deal with peoples using the WordPress, it seems to have worked out, coincidentally.

Lots More! Milk! Mindless! Trout! under the cut

Terminus – a weekly comic strip

December 18th, 2008
