The Great Unwashed by Gary and Warren Pleece, Escape Books, 2012

Are you looking at him?


August 17th, 2010


Gary Lactus and myself recently went along to the Hypercomics exhibition being held at the Pump House gallery in Battersea Park. It’s part of the excellent Comica festival a truly diverse celebration of comics culture, which has been running since 2003. It featured the work of four very different comics creators: Warren Pleece, Daniel Merlin Goodbrey, Dave McKean and Adam Dant. But what exactly is ‘Hypercomics’? Well, why not allow the exhibition’s curator, erstwhile British comics legend, creator of the legendary Escape magazine and all round decent bloke, Paul Gravett fill us in…

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You can now purchase my two comics TERMINUS BOOK 1 and ZIP CITY COMICS no.1 from the shop page on my website Milk The Cat…

Just follow this  link, or click on the SHOP page on the sidebar! Stocks are limited, so don’t delay…



How great is this?

April 29th, 2010

This is the work of my good friend Paul O’Connell, ably abetted by the terrifyingly talented Lawrence Elwick. It’s a little animation of their excellent ‘Charlie Parker: Handyman’ comic.

This should be on TV in the wee hours of the morning, the perfect tonic for all the alcoholics, insomniacs and late night dreamers the world over….

Lovely stuff.

Go check out more of Paul’s work at the Sound of Drowning website.

New British Comics #2

November 12th, 2009

What no Terminus? Sadly no, not this week. Due to the considerable strain and effort of moving house I’ve been unable to do a Terminus this week. Just a one week hiatus, and it won’t happen again Sir.


Instead I thought I’d shamelessly pimp my wares in the form of my contribution to New British Comics #2, an anthology of…well what it says on the tin really. Here’s the twist: it’s edited and published in Poland

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…said Steve the shop. Luckily, I had the issue in my hand already, thereby narrowly dodging another cruel flechette of conversational shrapnel, saved from a fresh scar of shame and age gouged from the old character armour.


Candy covers – Pic’n’Mix (Woolies RIP)

If it hadn’t a been for Jimmy Jump

Crime comics, genre, anxieties about, that’s stuff you should leave at the door. I want to talk about a dead girl and a tragic young man.

The opening panel to Stray Bullets number 1

Stray Bullets #1 is that rarest of beasts in the dark woods of serialized fiction, a first issue that’s on a par with the best of the run. David Lapham doesn’t need to find his stride, he hits the ground running, in fact his biggest problem as the series progresses is sustaining the quality, and perhaps the purity, of the early issues. I’d argue he’s largely succeeded, but that’s a topic for another post.

Here be spoilers…

More after the jump

…comics bought and read on Saturday the 12th of April 2008

More after the jump