For some time, as a treat for members of C-Unit, Dan and Fraser have been playing through the Starlight Adventures series of adventure game books for girls, published by Puffin in 1985. We have adventured our way all the way through Riddle of the runaway and are now on the third book, Island Of Secrets. Presented here in this special podcast, is the first five episodes which comprise book one in the series, Star Rider. If you like what you hear and would like to join C-Unit yourself, thereby gaining access to the SILENCE! archive, free comics and a wealth of other exclusive podcasts, then go to and pledge a single unit of currency (or more if you want). Whether you do or not, get ready to go on a Starlight Adventure, enter the drama gymkhana and…learn about horses in… STAR RIDER

Here’s the 2nd episode of STAR RIDER!  Will you telephone Andre Yeats?  Will your relationship with Richard deepen?  Will you finally get a bloody drink?!  Find out here!

This was previously only available to members of C-Unit, the crack team of special elite laser force warriors who fund the SILENCE! Channel on Patreon.

Series one has ended and Dan and Fraser are now onto book two, Riddle Of The Runaway.  If you’d like to catch up on what has turned out to be the most fun Dan and Fraser have had in ages, you know where to go and what to do.

Normal SILENCE! should descend soon, thank you for your patience.


Gary Lactus and The Beast Must Die are currently buried under a mountain of life turds. To fill the gap, please enjoy this first episode of Dan And Fraser’s Starlight Adventures in which we navigate the world of horses in Star Rider, the first Starlight Adventure game books for girls from 1985. This was previously only available to members of C-Unit, the crack team of special elite laser force warriors who fund the SILENCE! Channel on Patreon.

Series one has ended and Dan and Fraser are now onto book two, Riddle Of The Runaway. If you’d like to catch up on what has turned out to be the most fun Dan and Fraser have had in ages, you know where to go and what to do.

Normal SILENCE! should descend soon, thank you for your patience.


