Dan and Fraser’s Starlight Adventures #15
September 17th, 2024
Dan and Fraser – sorry – Caroline and God drop back in to a devastatingly dramatic accentgasm of a scene. We won’t spoil what is to come here but let’s just say that risks are taken. BIG risks. Enjoy.
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Dan and Fraser’s Starlight Adventures #13
August 20th, 2024
Welcome, Fellow Traveler, to the second installment of Island Of Secrets. In this episode we’re going to meet men galore, begin to sniff mystery and complain about how lazy all these bloody foreigners are on this Greek island. There’s also some fantastic music.
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Dan and Fraser’s Starlight Adventures #12
August 6th, 2024
We start the third book in the Starlight Adventures series, Island Of Secrets. Fraser is God, Dan
is… probably Caroline.
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Dan and Fraser’s Starlight Adventures #11
July 31st, 2024
Hot, holy sugar! We’ve finally come to the exciting crescendo of Riddle Of The Runaway. Join Tina The Detective and God as they laugh, cry, swoon and solve together, bodging together a satisfactory conclusion.
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Dan and Fraser’s Starlight Adventures #10
July 23rd, 2024
Well, well, bloody well! I am not exaggerating when I say that, in terms of adventure, this is the most exciting episode of Dan And Fraser’s Starlight Adventures yet. I’m also not exaggerating when I say that Fraser actually gets to make a few big decisions instead of just tossing a coin like a gangster who’s fond of cliched affectations. And I am exaggerating when I say this episode will end your life as your head explodes with pleasure, but I’m actually not exaggerating that much.
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Dan and Fraser’s Starlight Adventures #09
July 17th, 2024
As we return to the adventures of Tina The Detective, Dan and Fraser hit the ground running backwards. They’ve forgotten everything in the 12 years since they last recorded an episode but eventually catch up. Our USA trotting takes Tina from New Orleans to Dallas in an action-packed blur of companionways and coin tosses. So many coin tosses.
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Dan and Fraser’s Starlight Adventures #08
July 9th, 2024
At last, the wait is over! Allow the blood to flow freely back into your numb arse after a week of being on the edge of your seat! There’s broth! Lack of agency! All those old Matt Dillon proverbs your great grandmother used to say! Immerse yourself in the most vivid, authentic recreation of New Orleans during Mardi Gras ever! Listen on!
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Dan & Fraser’s Starlight Adventures #02
September 3rd, 2021
Here’s the 2nd episode of STAR RIDER! Will you telephone Andre Yeats? Will your relationship with Richard deepen? Will you finally get a bloody drink?! Find out here!
This was previously only available to members of C-Unit, the crack team of special elite laser force warriors who fund the SILENCE! Channel on Patreon.
Series one has ended and Dan and Fraser are now onto book two, Riddle Of The Runaway. If you’d like to catch up on what has turned out to be the most fun Dan and Fraser have had in ages, you know where to go and what to do.
Normal SILENCE! should descend soon, thank you for your patience.
Dan & Fraser’s Starlight Adventures #01
August 22nd, 2021
Gary Lactus and The Beast Must Die are currently buried under a mountain of life turds. To fill the gap, please enjoy this first episode of Dan And Fraser’s Starlight Adventures in which we navigate the world of horses in Star Rider, the first Starlight Adventure game books for girls from 1985. This was previously only available to members of C-Unit, the crack team of special elite laser force warriors who fund the SILENCE! Channel on Patreon.
Series one has ended and Dan and Fraser are now onto book two, Riddle Of The Runaway. If you’d like to catch up on what has turned out to be the most fun Dan and Fraser have had in ages, you know where to go and what to do.
Normal SILENCE! should descend soon, thank you for your patience.