Diane… #24: Twin Peaks Episode 22 – Masters and Slaves
December 4th, 2016
Welcome to Diane… #24
SHE’S BACK! This week Rosie, Adam and Bob struggle to the end of the series’ rough patch, discussing the twenty-second episode of David Lynch and Mark Frost’s Twin Peaks, sometimes called ‘Masters and Slaves’. The show we all love is here somewhere but it’s like a black film has grown over it.
This week on Diane then, we talk veils.
Windham Earle employs a surrogate, the mists at the Great Northern finally clear, and Evelyn mourns the passing of the wild ride. Work slowly and with care. Everything must be written in a steady, uncompromising hand.
In the Heaven World, we look at Reality minus two veils. If I have in my Heaven World a friend whom I love, I see him minus two veils, As I know my friend here below, he and I are both veiled. I loved him when on earth; but when later after death I enter the Heaven World, then I shall see him minus two veils, and he will reveal to me certain attributes of himself.
Hey hey it’s the begging bit: if you like what you hear, do us a super solid and give us five stars on iTunes! Cheers, love you!
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Next episode: What happened to Josie?