Welcome to Diane… #23

Things fall apart as Rosie takes a week off, leaving Ad, Mark and Bob to explore Episode 21 of Mark Frost and David Lynch’s Twin Peaks, also known as ‘Double Play’ – and all without reasonable supervision.

Predictably enough boytime reigns and our #lads look at  this episode through the lens of SUPERVILLAINRY: Leo reasserts his authority over the Johnson house, Ben’s therapy takes a turn for the problematic, and the omens don’t look good for Dick and Andy. Amid the gathering darkness, the old goat and scarlet  woman have decided to adopt a child!


He is no longer the pretext for a story: the story itself renders him homage. He can neither be destroyed nor accept modifications. He requires more of others than of himself. He is never completely invisible. His likeness can be seen through his face. His science is more precious than the word. It is not possible to guess it – and no one can doubt its power.

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Next episode: We investigate a veil through which you might not see.