September 29th, 2015




For Sale:

Well-used  podcast, seen better days. Two careless previous owners.

Comes with fully formed opinions, little to no research, distinct air of desperation and unprofessionalism. Song function occasionally still works, but will need warming up.

Do YOU have space in your home to this well-loved antique? No real value, but may provide some entertainment to the mentally infirm

Contact: SILENCE! for further information…

<ITEM> Admin, Sponsorship, the Galacticats, Another Blue World by Jon Chandler, and a slap to your blubbery chops of course.

<ITEM> The Reviewniverse opens it’s arms, and clasps you just a bit too tight, so that you can smell the Extra Strong mints on it’s breath…talking ’bout Nameless, Wild’s End, Hellboy, Weird World, the Congress of Animals, Dogtanian and the 3 Muskerhounds, Maus, Magic, Michael Motion, David Bowie’s Balls, Captain America: White, Batgirl, Grayson, ‘Ghost’ comics, New Statesmen, Prince Comics, Epic illustrated and a whole lot more.

<ITEM>SILENCE! The Film Has Started! gives us a hot recommendation for superb new internet horror Unfriended from The Beast

click to download SILENCE!#158

Contact us:



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This edition of SILENCE! is proudly sponsored by the greatest comics shop on the planet, DAVE’S COMICS of Brighton. It’s also sponsored the greatest comics shop on the planet GOSH! Comics of London.