January 17th, 2017

RUFF! What’s that you say Lassie? Superman is stuck down the well? Then he isn’t Superman. Leave the jerry-curled impostor down there to rot.
It’s another guestilicious episode of the only podcast guaranteed to stem the endless tide of tears that is modern life…it’s SILENCE! featuring Gary Lactus, The Beast Must Die and Lord Nuneaton Savage. Comics discussion that bends reality into unsettling new shapes, then makes sweet, strange love to it. WHILE YOUR PARENTS ARE SLEEPING NEXT DOOR!
<ITEM> Sponsorship, admin, and the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe entry for Lord Nuneaton Savage. It’s the canon being re-written before your very eyes and there ain’t nothin’ you can do about it. ‘Kay?
<ITEM> Behold the hazy smear on reality that is the Reviewniverse and observe the 4-colour wonders that lie within… There’s some A+ grade chat about Hook Jaw, The Flintstones, Garth Ennis’ War Stories, Battle, Moto Crush, New Superman, Grave Lillies, Prison Pit, Rock Stars, Motro, Stray Bullets, Young Liars, Cage, The Fever Closing, and mo’ mo’ mo…
This edition of SILENCE! is proudly sponsored by the greatest comics shop on the planet, DAVE’S COMICS of Brighton. It’s also sponsored the greatest comics shop on the planet GOSH! Comics of London.