Flashback to… Deadpool?
November 25th, 2015
As previously established, middling superhero comics are so much better when you read them for free from the library, but what about mediocre comics you valued at an earlier age?
What about ones that feature characters whose longevity seems baffling? Characters who you had assumed would have died with your dreams of a better life but who will soon be starring in their own movie at a cinema near you? What about bloody Deadpool?
Deadpool, #2-11, by Ed McGuinnes, Joe Kelly and various
“Pain is Funny”: Deadpool Max #1-3 Reviewed!
December 24th, 2010
Here’s the soundtrack. You know what to do.
So, Deadpool Max then. Kyle Baker does the art, David Lapham’s on script duties. Never mind the fact that Deadpool is a Rob “Fucking!” Liefeld character turned comedy Wolverine turned corporate ubiquity – is the comic any good?
Bloody right it is!
(Yeah, okay, it’s a little bit late to write about these books as if they’re a fresh discovery, I know. As Marc Singer once said, “if you’re going to review a new-release comic two weeks after it was a new release, you’d damn well better have something to talk about” – so, hey, just imagine how great this must be if I’m still willing to post it now! On Christmas Eve!)
Find out what other secrets are stuffed in Santa’s sack! You know you want to!