Where have all the essays gone?

October 16th, 2009

You might have noticed that Mindless Ones has been a little bit quiet on the lengthy essay front of late, and given that the lengthy essays are what we’re known for you might be a bit worried.

So what’s going on?

Nigh on 2 years of blogging takes its toll on an underdimensional fiend so we’ve decided to shake things up a little. As of now the blog proper will be the home of capsule reviews, cartoons (Terminus, Amusing Bros), podcasts, link posts and interviews. The essays will be back but in the form of a quarterly, or perhaps bi-monthly, PDF zine. The zine will be printable but should read just as well in its electronic version, and might even be commercially available as a print on demand booklet. But the real appeal rests in the sheer number of meaty essays we plan on sandwiching between the zine’s covers.

We want to offer you guys the chance to gorge yourselves on mindlessosity!

The first zine should be available just before Christmas/New Year, and will likely be themed accordingly (oh yes, we’ll be doing themes). Expect essays looking at the best books of the decade, and, I dunno, rogue’s reviews of Father Christmas (the one who fought Lobo).

For those of you who just want Mindless service as usual, fear not, the essays will be back, but drip fed into the site some time post the publication of the zine.

Lovelies and huggleties

Zom x

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