Diane… #25: Twin Peaks Episode 23 – The Condemned Woman
December 11th, 2016
Welcome to Diane… #25
This time on Diane the world of Mark Frost and David Lynch’s Twin Peaks feel alive with interior intelligence, as Rosie, Adam and Mark peer at episode 23, also known as The Condemned Woman, through the lens of ANIMISM.
A refreshed Benjamin Horne goes green, three angels find rapture in the lonely shore, and a beautiful woman gets eaten by the wood.
What is a drawer knob and, dear listener, what happened to Josie?
If the world is truly quantum animated, then there is an immense amount of invisible inner experience going on all around us that is presently inaccessible to humans, because our own inner lives are imprisoned inside a small quantum system, isolated deep in the meat of an animal brain.
We’re trying to make Diane the top Twin Peaks recap podcast that there is, the intrepid journeyer’s best companion through the woods. If we’ve been able to help you scale new heights of understanding and appreciation, please bless us with a five star review on iTunes and we will laugh together all the way into heaven.
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Next episode: What happened to Harry?