SILENCE! #Mark Stafford
August 29th, 2022
You wanna know about Mark Stafford, almost from birth until now? He’s the sort of guy that people say things like ”Mark Stafford is the greatest artist you’ve never heard of” about. Press play to hear Mark Stafford talk to a completely naked Gary Lactus about Ronald Searle, Empusa, The Comic Creators Guild, Brian Talbot, Cherubs, The Man Who Laughs, David Hine, Liphook, the strange tale of Magdalena Solis, The Bad Bad Place, Mark’s Emerald Helicopter of Success, the upcoming Salmonella Smorgasbord and why oh why can’t we all just call comic books and graphic novels Irresponsible Pictures instead. This is THE podcast for all of your Mark Stafford needs.
@frasergeesin @thebeastmustdie