Welcome back, Jolly Whackos, to The Mighty Crusaders Number Four! In this episode, Gary Lactus puts page three of The Mighty Crusaders Number Four under the electron microscope and peers into the quantum universes living in each line, punctuation mark and ear of this life-changing, explosive stick of dyna-mind!!!

Transcript and pictorial reference below for true students of greatness.


For some time, as a treat for members of C-Unit, Dan and Fraser have been playing through the Starlight Adventures series of adventure game books for girls, published by Puffin in 1985. We have adventured our way all the way through Riddle of the runaway and are now on the third book, Island Of Secrets. Presented here in this special podcast, is the first five episodes which comprise book one in the series, Star Rider. If you like what you hear and would like to join C-Unit yourself, thereby gaining access to the SILENCE! archive, free comics and a wealth of other exclusive podcasts, then go to Patreon.com/silence and pledge a single unit of currency (or more if you want). Whether you do or not, get ready to go on a Starlight Adventure, enter the drama gymkhana and…learn about horses in… STAR RIDER

SILENCE! Kevin O’Neill

November 8th, 2022

SILENCE! #Mark Stafford

August 29th, 2022

You wanna know about Mark Stafford, almost from birth until now? He’s the sort of guy that people say things like ”Mark Stafford is the greatest artist you’ve never heard of” about. Press play to hear Mark Stafford talk to a completely naked Gary Lactus about Ronald Searle, Empusa, The Comic Creators Guild, Brian Talbot, Cherubs, The Man Who Laughs, David Hine, Liphook, the strange tale of Magdalena Solis, The Bad Bad Place, Mark’s Emerald Helicopter of Success, the upcoming Salmonella Smorgasbord and why oh why can’t we all just call comic books and graphic novels Irresponsible Pictures instead. This is THE podcast for all of your Mark Stafford needs.

@frasergeesin @thebeastmustdie


You can support us using Patreon if you like.
This edition of SILENCE! is proudly sponsored by the greatest comics shop on the planet, DAVE’S COMICS of Brighton. It’s also sponsored the greatest comics shop on the planet GOSH! Comics of London.


August 27th, 2022


Well, well, well if it isn’t Gary Lactus and The Beast Must Die crawling back on their knees, begging forgiveness for missing a week of the world’s otherwise most reliable podcast.  Angry hoards of ex listeners have verbally and physically assaulted the punctual pair, blaming them for all manner of important, missed appointments because they set their watches to SILENCE!’s famous regularity.

Thankfully, that’s all over now and the two men are back to perform that most incredible feat, talking about stuff.  Stuff like Small Press Day at Gosh, and people like Sean Azzopardi, Molly Stocks, Mark Stafford, Douglas Noble and Fraser Geesin and Dan Cox’s comic, Jeff.

Gareth Hopkinskickstarter, Explosive Sweet Freezer Razors gets a shout too.

Then it’s off to The Reviewniverse, with Counterfeit Girl, Geezer, John’s Worth and Marvel’s adaptation of Dune

Wrapping up, The Beast has watched The Boys and She Hulk and Gary has been listening to The Blindboy Podcast

There’s probably more that I’ve forgotten but you can find out what that is by listening… NOW!




You can support us using Patreon if you like.

This edition of SILENCE! is proudly sponsored by the greatest comics shop on the planet, DAVE’S COMICS of Brighton. It’s also sponsored the greatest comics shop on the planet GOSH! Comics of London.

SILENCE! #Paul John Milne

July 6th, 2022

Oh, The Beast Must Die is a busy busy beast, so Gary Lactus presents…
Starring Jon Paul Milne playing the role of Paul Jon Milne. We learn the startling origin of Paul Jon Milne, relive Paul Jon Milne’s greatest triumphs whilst learning Paul John Milne’s darkest secrets and arrive at Paul Jon Milne’s new art book, CREEP HEAP.  It’s the role Jon Paul Milne was born to play.

There’s also talk of Transformers, Doctor Strange, The sweet spot of Marvel’s 90s output and jocks for hire.

Buy Paul Jon Milne products from his Etsy store
Buy Fraser Geesin’s products and services from his website
Buy Dan White’s stuff from his website

You can support us using Patreon if you like.

The cult film podcast with Mat Colegate (aka Lord Nuneaton Savage) & Dan White (aka The Beast Must Die).

The Savage Beast podcadst: The Savage Best #1

In this short sharp shock of an episode we discuss the first entry in the Saveg Beast official canon:

The Ritual (David Bruckner, 2017)

Check out The Savage Beast tumblr, for some visual accompaniment to the discussion: https://savagebeastpodcast.tumblr.com/

Follow us on Twitter @SavBeastPod


June 3rd, 2022


No blurb this week as we’re all swarming around the centre of the hive, desperately hoping to mate with the Queen.

As we all know, some weeks are longer than other weeks and it really has been a particularly long week since last week’s episode.  Despite this and even though The Beast Must Die has covid we still managed a pod like particularly brave soldiers.

Soldier Gary Lactus sliced his thumb quite badly but still managed to get to Who Am I Now, the exhibition of paintings by Glyn Dillon.

Soldier The Beast Must Die saw Doctor Strange: Marble Madness!. He didn’t like it and on the podcast he doesn’t like it for a long time. Delicious!

Let’s go now to Reviewniverse, with Captain Britain, Light Brigade, Statics and Omege The Unknown of course.

Seeing us out it’s a reckymend of Paul O’Connell and Rhys Wooten‘s No Garnish podcast and The Beast Must Die’s experience at Steve Walsh’s Memorial.

Farewell, friends.





You can support us using Patreon if you like.

This edition of SILENCE! is proudly sponsored by the greatest comics shop on the planet, DAVE’S COMICS of Brighton. It’s also sponsored the greatest comics shop on the planet GOSH! Comics of London.

The cult film podcast with Mat Colegate (aka Lord Nuneaton Savage) & Dan White (aka The Beast Must Die).

The Savage Beast no.21: Wizards of Gore

In this latest episode we’re discussing a topic very near ot our collective heart – GORE! In a truly epic episode, we’re discussing a whole plethora of visceral treats and filmic grue, based around the following newly minted cateGOREies:

  • Kinder-Gore
  • Devastating gore
  • Fist-pump Gore
  • Surreal Gore
  • Transform-a-Gore

Check out The Savage Beast tumblr, for some visual accompaniment to the discussion: https://savagebeastpodcast.tumblr.com/

Follow us on Twitter @SavBeastPod