Looking Glass Hearts Forever
March 8th, 2011
Being: the long post about Scott Pilgrim that my last two posts were building up to!
So 2010 saw both the death and the rebirth of the comics internet’s favourite slacker hero, Scott Pilgrim. Time to celebrate?
Well, if you ask Brendan McCarthy we should probably just be happy that it’s all over and done with:
I find that ‘comics geek’ bedwetter subculture very inward-looking. It doesn’t interest me at all… Comics like Scott Pilgrim are not on my radar. I think that stuff has already had its day in the sun.
I was going to contest Mr McCarthy’s classification of Scott Pilgrim, but then I watched the movie again and realised that there are two jokes about characters weeing themselves, plus various other references to pee and peeing throughout the film, so maybe he was onto something after all!
Lapses in basic potty training notwithstanding, I still love the comic and the movie, to the extent that I’ve spent the past few weeks immersed in both of them (GEEK!), cataloguing the differences in style and pacing (GEEK!), comparing the three different endings on offer (GEEK!), and listening to commentary tracks (GEEK! GEEK! GEEK!), all in the hope of finding out quite why I bothered doing all of this in the first place. Circular logic? Trust me, you don’t know the half of it!
Sounds like a good reason to go all *SPOILER* crazy and Panel Madness one of the final images from the series in the hope of finding out why I can’t get this song out of my head, eh?
Well, this guy thinks he’s already been there and done that and built an inescapable black hole out of the image that we’ll be spending our time with…
But don’t worry about him – he’s just some guy from the story!