Evil Renegade: Fifty Stories For Fifty Years: 2002
August 11th, 2013
The belief that the world can be represented in a symbolic form, and that by manipulating those symbols, while following a strict set of rules, one can both understand and manipulate the world itself. Yes, yes, very clever, we see what you’re doing, you’re making a clever reference back to your piece on Logopolis, which was structured this way. You’re so sharp you’ll cut yourself.
Ancestor Cell, The
Subversive propaganda by the enemies of Faction Paradox
Doctor Who: Fifty Stories For Fifty Years: 1999
August 1st, 2013
Dead Romance is one of the best novels I’ve ever read, and it’s a novel that will never, ever, reach the readership it deserves.
Doctor Who: Fifty Stories For Fifty Years: 1997
July 25th, 2013
Over the course of our history we’ve seen that there have been a handful of creative figures who have dominated particular periods of Doctor Who. When those figures have fit with what one might call the spirit of the show — people like David Whitaker, David Maloney, Robert Holmes, or Christopher Bidmead — the results have occasionally been stunning.