June 3rd, 2022


No blurb this week as we’re all swarming around the centre of the hive, desperately hoping to mate with the Queen.

As we all know, some weeks are longer than other weeks and it really has been a particularly long week since last week’s episode.  Despite this and even though The Beast Must Die has covid we still managed a pod like particularly brave soldiers.

Soldier Gary Lactus sliced his thumb quite badly but still managed to get to Who Am I Now, the exhibition of paintings by Glyn Dillon.

Soldier The Beast Must Die saw Doctor Strange: Marble Madness!. He didn’t like it and on the podcast he doesn’t like it for a long time. Delicious!

Let’s go now to Reviewniverse, with Captain Britain, Light Brigade, Statics and Omege The Unknown of course.

Seeing us out it’s a reckymend of Paul O’Connell and Rhys Wooten‘s No Garnish podcast and The Beast Must Die’s experience at Steve Walsh’s Memorial.

Farewell, friends.





You can support us using Patreon if you like.

This edition of SILENCE! is proudly sponsored by the greatest comics shop on the planet, DAVE’S COMICS of Brighton. It’s also sponsored the greatest comics shop on the planet GOSH! Comics of London.

At this point we’re all getting a bit drunk and we all like comics. This is the best time to get excited about The Official Handbook Of The Marvel Universe and Who’s Who in the DC Universe. Listen now as grown men turn into children before your very ears!

Click to download

Click here to see some images relevant to the conversation

So the news about Captain Britain and MI-13 coming to an end hit just as I was halfway through a reread of the Alans Moore and Davis’s seminal run, and I’m left with the distinct feeling that had Cornell and Kirk engaged more closely with the question of haircuts that their tenure may have had more longeivity, or at least been more enjoyable from my own valuable perspective.

MI-13 never reached the heights of Cornell and Hairsine’s brilliant Wisdom mini. Even that series’ latter issues, the weaker ones, were comparable with MI-13 at its best. And Kirk’s art, sitting halfway between Mark Bagley and Brian Hitch, never rose above merely adequate. Perhaps if MI-13 hadn’t been creatively hobbled by a no doubt sales boosting tie in with Secret Invasion things would have been different; Perhaps if Cornell had opted/been permitted not to stretch the second arc to five increasingly tedious issues, and stuck to the snappy, smart high concept format which had worked so well for Wisdom I would be sad to see MI-13 end, but given that I’d just had the pleasure of wallowing in a youthful Moore’s kaleidoscopic take on the titular character I can’t say that the news bothered me overmuch. Yes it was half decent, yes it was one of the better books on the racks, yes I want to be a cheer leader for Cornell’s work because when it’s good it’s very good, but I know what I want to see in a comic featuring Captain Britain, and MI-13 wasn’t supplying it.

I want to see is a lot more of this…


Bad hair

The centrality of haircuts is discussed at length after the jump

Moonday night* reviews

February 17th, 2009

* Bollocks, knew I wouldn’t get this done until Twsday morning.

Whatever. This is me giving up superhero comics.


You can jump 8 times further there.

Oh good, a new hobby horse to savage with my bugbear: No sooner have I finished blogging about how annoying I find a current half-trend of imposing pick-and-mix music decisions on the otherwise private stereoheads of readers, when it starts appearing all over the place. Okay, well, in one place only so far, maybe two if what I’m told about Lapham’s latest is right, but little bloggy subcategories have been built out of far less.

More after the jump

Lingers on comics bought and read Thursday the 15th of May

More after the jump