April 3rd, 2017

SILENCE! Man’s oldest friend. Since time immemorial began throughout history it has been SILENCE! which has fed our children, built our houses, lit our fires and shoed our horses. Welcome to what is probably the single most essential issue of SILENCE! ever. Gary Lactus and Bobsy talk a load of balls, discuss SILENCE! LIVE #2 (to be held May 11th at the same place as last time, tell us in the comments if you’re up for it) and create some Slash Fiction///./../../..>>>>>##””’][=-`

‘;#.,/=-p][p’ITEM This has never happened before! Gary and Bobsy are both posting simultaneously and the streams are getting crossed!!! Gary had this chill- ironic narrator thing going, see above, but bobsy was going to do a bit about that show about the Mormon wives, and the guys with all the unhappy wives? Gary is the dumb guy who has to remember four wedding anniversaries per annum and TBMD, Maid of Nails, bobsy and co are all his babymakers who all loathe each other? It was gonna be a bit like that.

ITEM Bobsy didn’t really know where this was going to go however, so he started writing the end first and hoped a good bit for the start would come to him while he was going along. It to be honest, hadn’t…

ITEM And then the thing with the crossed streams happened which saved bobsy’s bacon quite a bit. Good old Gary: it’s his spaceship, we just float in it.

ITEM Then Gary and his third, or is it his seventh, fave wife have a great TV news section they didn’t have the presence of mind to call Silence! Because I’m trying to watch the telly and they say stuff about Legion and Samurai Jack.

ITEM Death is gripped as the celestially betrothed and cosmically neglected couple pair bond and enter the Reviewniverse! where they talk about the comics time of course: Inhumans Prime, Xmen Prime,  Lone Wolf and Cub, Galaxy of Brutality: Space Riders, Spider Woman, Black Widow, Rick and Morty, Cinema Purgatorio and Detective Comics.

ITEM that’s it G you can do the podcast embed now:

ITEM Right you are, Bobsy.

[email protected]

You can support us using Patreon if you like.

This edition of SILENCE! is proudly sponsored by the greatest comics shop on the planet, DAVE’S COMICS of Brighton. It’s also sponsored the greatest comics shop on the planet GOSH! Comics of London.


March 13th, 2017

Gary Lactus and Maid Of Nails did a podcast and it was called SILENCE! and they talked about presents for babies and the film called Logan and the telly show called Legion and then they went to a place called the Reviewniverse and then they talked about comics called Man Thing, Got Your Nose, Horrible Folk, Grass Kings, Kingpin, Mother Panic, Super Friends, The Wicked and the Divine, 2000AD, Squirrel Girl and Motor Crush then they went away from the Reviewniverse because they wanted their dinner then I woke up and it was all a dream. I don’t like it here. I want to go back to sleep.

Check out Nails’ endeavors as Kelly Kanayama:
Until The End Of The World Patreon
Improper Use Of Commas Tumblr

[email protected]

You can support us using Patreon if you like.

This edition of SILENCE! is proudly sponsored by the greatest comics shop on the planet, DAVE’S COMICS of Brighton. It’s also sponsored the greatest comics shop on the planet GOSH! Comics of London.


December 11th, 2012


Here I come to save the day, Disembodied Narratorbot X-15735 is on his way! No, no, not really I was always here. It’s you that went away fleshy ones. I was here and I always will be. Until the sun eats itself.

In this pre-pre festive edition of  SILENCE! (the podcast that comes to you in the form of a nano-swarm perched on the buttocks of a fly), The Beast and Lactus fire a cannonfull of comics shot across your bows.

But not before…

<ITEM> The SILENCE News has a live report from Danny Beastman, covering the terrifying Moore/Morrison Magickal War that threatens to engulf ALL the realities.

<ITEM> Voyage Into The Reviewniverse covers Evan Dorkin’s House of Fun (with a wee Pirate Corp$ diversion), Hellboy, Avengers, Hawkeye, Thunderbolts, Action Comics, Batman LOTDK, FURY: My War Gone By, Fashion Beast, Dial H, Amazing Spiderman, Avenging Spiderman, All New X-Men, Iron Man (gland!), and Black Acre.

<ITEM> Lactus takes on Jason’s Challenge in My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic.

<ITEM> The Silent Question comes from a Green Lantern…again.

Add in an appreciation from The Beast of Man-Thing and Steve Gerber in general, and you have a rootin’ tootin’ high falutin’ edition of SILENCE! Disembodied Narratorbot X-15735 wishes you a fond farewell, blows you a salty kiss and will see you on the flipside.

click to download SILENCE!#43

SILENCE! is proudly sponsored by the two greatest comics shops on the planet, DAVE’S COMICS of Brighton and GOSH COMICS of London.



July 25th, 2012


Of course it isn’t silly! It’s a gaping entrance! An entrance into the world of SILENCE!!!

In this episode the pair who go together like strawberries and cream, millionaires and wards, and ‘interesting’ facial hair and threats of violence get down on their knees and pray for a rain of comics…and they get it!

After a heartfelt piece of Dylan-esque balladry about Man-Thing from The Beast, and a baggy edition of the SILENCE! news, there’s a twelve car pile-up of comics foolchat, covering:

the revamped Glory, Peter Bagge’s Reset, Paul Chadwick’s Concrete (and ‘Moving A Big Rock’), Saga (both the comic and the pensioner’s holiday scheme), Hanging with DB Cooper from Brian Churillo, Mind MGMT, Hellblazer and the recent hilarious Inkstuds Biz interview, Daredevil, The Shadow, JLA and an Infernal Man-Thing freestyle… oh, and Lactus takes on all the AVX related bizzo, in Man Vs Comics.

But let’s not forget the brand new feature The Silent Question in which the pair answer a Celebrity! Question! The Beast talks up Hookjaw and Lactus takes on Chester Brown and Canadian masturbation in general…

And there’s an appreciation of lost Brit comics genius Barry M Freeman.

Dear me, I’ve just wet me knickers! It’s all too much…let’s hope your undercrackers can handle the truth! It’s all wrapped up in the brain-burp that is…SILENCE!  

click to download SILENCE!#23

And don’t forget to check below as well for the Silence Gallery

Read the rest of this entry »


Well sorry, Man Thing, but here we go anyway (click to download).


This week I pleasure myself by tormenting Tymbus with a choose your own adventure comic. An experience not to be missed.

All that and much, much more!…